Thinking about Whales

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    Thank you for the reviews!  Now your song.  I have wanted to snorkel with whales for ages.  Closest to that I have been was the whale shark thing, and I have snorkeled with porpoise in a huge pen at the ocean; even rode on one!  I also came across several of them while snorkeling in Grand Turk, in the wild.  I have seen Humpback whales in Maui a number of times (while I was on land by the shore); even jumping out of the water and breaching.  Your song was really nicely done; an interesting combination of styles, including jazz, in my opinion.  Very nice melodies and audio quality.  🙂

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    Such a wonderful experience ! Thanks for the feedback, CHRIS !

    Modern Day Catastrophists

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