The transition between ezd 2 to superior drummer 3

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • John


    currently SD3 cannot read EZD2 User Projects nor User Presets.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I’m evaluating both EZ drummer and Superior Drummer (coming from BFD3). I downloaded the EZ drummer demo and almost immediately found some grooves I liked (awesome). I’m interested in maybe getting Superior Drummer though since it seems more full featured. My question is, do the grooves that come with the EZ Drummer demo also come with Superior Drummer? Sounds maybe a little silly, but I really like the grooves I found in the EZ Drummer demo and might opt to buy it instead of SD if SD doesn’t have the same grooves. I understand that SD probably comes with more grooves, but just wondered if it had all of the EZ Drummer grooves as well?

    • This post was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by jnwall23.

    I’m evaluating both EZ drummer and Superior Drummer (coming from BFD3). I downloaded the EZ drummer demo and almost immediately found some grooves I liked (awesome). I’m interested in maybe getting Superior Drummer though since it seems more full featured. My question is, do the grooves that come with the EZ Drummer demo also come with Superior Drummer? Sounds maybe a little silly, but I really like the grooves I found in the EZ Drummer demo and might opt to buy it instead of SD if SD doesn’t have the same grooves. I understand that SD probably comes with more grooves, but just wondered if it had all of the EZ Drummer grooves as well?

    • This post was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by jnwall23.

    No, S3 has its own unique MIDI and not the same as in EZD2.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Blix Six

    I have been debating whether to jump EZdrummer to SD, but I’m concerned with the size of Superior drummer library. How easy is it to have the Superior drummer library run from a portable SSD? Are there any performance issues?

    I must admit I’m tempted to buy the Toontracks Superior drummer external Libary harddrive :),

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    I’m running a Mac mini i7.




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