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The Toontrack authorisation system is crazy

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  • John


    I can delete an old Auth which you have Removed but all your Auths are ‘Active’.
    The only product which has run out of Authorizations is the ‘N.Y. Studios Vol 2’, which I can see you have made 2 new Authorizations for with the exact same Computer ID yesterday.
    Please make one of them inactive, so I may delete it.
    If you do some ‘cleaning’, Removing unwanted Authorizations, I can delete them afterwards, OK?

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    You don’t answer my question: Why does Toontrack have such a crazy authorisation system that making smaller changes to your hardware makes you lose authorisations? Why???

    Yes, I can remove my two active Superior 2 authorisations myself. One is for my old DAW-pc, the other for my current DAW-pc with a borrowed usb wireless device. Doing that I will have two left: one for my own use wireless device and one if someone runs off with it or it just dies as some of these things do.

    Now you make me even more worried, telling me I have authorised NY vol. 2 twice yesterday. I am not aware of having done that. It was authorised with my old DAW-pc long ago and once with the new one about a month ago. So what is going on. Are my possible authorisations just disappearing, even behind my back?

    You have two choices:

    1. Two active authorisations that can be removed making it possible to reinstall on other hardware. But no upper limit to how many times this can be done. Not 4 as it says now. That is ridiculous given my story above.

    2. Give us an iLok alternative. The iLok haters can choose the above mess if the prefer. Celemony had a choice like this at one stage for Melodyne.


    … John misinterpreted the data stored in our backend due to the SDX peculiar nature (2 sets in one box) and most likely misread the month in the timestamp, since the most recent authorizations were made exactly a month ago.

    I’m really not sure what you are ultimately getting at, since I’m yet to see a single case scenario of a user being refused or ‘stuck’ authorizing a product since the system is in place. But I have removed all the codes you generated last February, which, as far as I understand, is what your post is outlining as the cause for concern.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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