The Standalone SD can’t load the Audio device

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    which version of Toontrack solo are you using?
    Are you using any other audio software at the same time?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi John,
    thank for the quick Response.
    I’m using toontrack Solo 64 bit Version 1.3.2
    and I run no other Audio Software because would produce a conflict a the ASIO – I think.
    If I use SD in Cubase there are no such Problems

    thank you


    Please check if there’s an ASIO driver update for your Audio interface

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Dear John,
    many Thanks to you. The solution was to update the ASIO- Driver!! In the Future its the first step to update all the involved Components. In theory I know this but in Praxis…
    So its very nice to have such a Forum, where someone can really help!!!!!

    And of course with such smilys

    By the way I have one more Problem Im maybe to stupid to solve:
    I mapped the HiHat and it works in princip. The Problem is, that sometimes -it seems to come up spontaneously- if I play a closed HiHat, while I keep my feet really controlled and calmly, the Software triggers and play an open HiHat for one or two sixteenth notes. If I do play the HiHat alone, it does’nt happen but in a full groove it happens.
    You may think, oh this gay does’nt play controlled, but I think do.
    Could the reason be, that the Software and Computer is a bit confused, not fast enough, if there are a lot of midi income Signals in fast time???
    I also apply addivctive Drums and in this Software the HiHat works perfect with the same adjustments
    If you Need more Datails and informatino, let me know.

    One more question.
    Are there any instructions-workshops in Germany for user of Superior-Drummer ???
    I Think this could be very effective and a nice Event for interest Persons and a great opportunity to interchange all the individual experience.
    And what a promotion!?

    have a nice day
    Tom Hertling

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