The Future of Toontrack

Requests and Feedback
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  • guitarded71

    Really? Nobody from Toontrack will even comment? It was just a question. I love the new Andy Sneap plug-in by the way. Very nice full sound.


    I am assuming it’s a license issue with these companies?



    we never comment on upcoming releases, unless they are made official. But your suggestion is duly noted and forwarded to the appropriate people.


    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer


    I would take issue with your ‘higher end stuff’ comment.
    DW, Meinl and Zildjian A Customs are just standard brands in the drummers arsenal.
    Most of the ‘stuff’ already sampled for Toontrack libraries is considered ‘higher end’.
    The gear used on ‘Music City’, ‘NY Legacy’, ‘Evil Drums’ and ‘C&V’ is the same gear all the top professional drummers in the industry are using.
    In fact it’s pretty hard to go much ‘higher end’ than the drums and cymbals we sampled for ‘C&V’.
    Craviotto, Paiste Sound Creation and Signature, Ludwig Black Beauty, Noble & Cooley, Zildjian K.

    I also don’t think there are any license issues, except where a sampling drummer is endorsing a particular brand.
    Those involved in creating these drum libraries are choosing the drums and cymbals they think will be most useful to users, and will sound the best.
    Simple as that.

    Mark Williams

    Your question also touches on an issue that comes up from time to time around here.

    At least up until this point, Toontrack has chosen to release packages that are based on a realistic recording date. Meaning, the kit is set up in the room, miced very carefully using specific mics and preamps, and then painstakingly sampled. Then they switched out specific kit elements and did the process again. i.e. a different snare drum or cymbal. The way they’ve gone about this has made for ultra-realistic sounds. If you were to, for example, record a bunch of different cymbals in some other (unrelated) room, the realistic factor would go down, since the kit pieces would then be played in different rooms.

    The main way around this is using X-Drums, of course, to incorporate kit pieces from other expansion packs. So perhaps TT will do as you suggest in the future, but for now, this has been their operating methodology.

    MBP 2.4 GHz | 4GB RAM | OSX 10.6.8 Logic Pro 9.1.5 | Metric Halo LIO-8/4P | Apogee ONE SD 2.3.0 | EZP 1.1.0 | Drumtracker 1.0.2


    I would take issue with your ‘higher end stuff’ comment.
    DW, Meinl and Zildjian A Customs are just standard brands in the drummers arsenal.
    Most of the ‘stuff’ already sampled for Toontrack libraries is considered ‘higher end’.
    The gear used on ‘Music City’, ‘NY Legacy’, ‘Evil Drums’ and ‘C&V’ is the same gear all the top professional drummers in the industry are using.
    In fact it’s pretty hard to go much ‘higher end’ than the drums and cymbals we sampled for ‘C&V’.
    Craviotto, Paiste Sound Creation and Signature, Ludwig Black Beauty, Noble & Cooley, Zildjian K.

    I on the other hand would like to take issue to your reference including “Music City”in this mix. This has to be the worst drum sample set I’ve ever heard in a long time. Considering the hype that Toontrack gave us you would think we would be getting the Holy Grail of Nashville. I’m tired of 8 kick drums that all sound the same and use a plastic beater. I want to make music and not noise. I think we can all agree that we have had enough “Dead Zepplin” samples for a life time and can now safely say it’s time to move on and make today’s nusic!



    Personal taste I would think. A lot of users seem to like it.
    In any case, it has little to do with the brand or model of drums used….. which was my point (made several months ago now).


    I have never liked the x-drum thing. As an example it would have been better, if I could just load any snare directly into the snare slot.

    Yes, I know different rooms and mics etc. But there should be a way to get around this, graying out maybe, adding a mixer channels for bastard ambience or whatever. Fair enough if you want the same room sound on all drums, but on the other hand I see famous mixing engineers putting completely diffent reverb and other effects on individual kiit parts. So what is so sacred about having a sinlge room for the whole kit. Let me have all snares available in the same snare slot. You can put a little red cross on those that you don’t think belong there, the orphans, the bad boys …

    Mark Williams

    I’m very sympathetic to your opinion on this, tombuur.
    While I very, very much appreciate the “one kit in one room” philosophy, I also think the X-Drum thing is pretty annoying, and I think there must be a simpler way to do it. I like being able to add the microphone channels to the mixer, though, and I do a fair amount of snare (and sometimes kick) layering to get the sounds I want, so I wouldn’t want to give up that kind of ability. It’s just that I find the X-Drum method to be a bit convoluted, and it often gets confusing. I’d appreciate a simpler method.

    MBP 2.4 GHz | 4GB RAM | OSX 10.6.8 Logic Pro 9.1.5 | Metric Halo LIO-8/4P | Apogee ONE SD 2.3.0 | EZP 1.1.0 | Drumtracker 1.0.2


    Just on the other side, people here complain frequently about the long list of ‘drums’ in the drop down menu of EZX:Electronic.
    If you had all the snares from SDX’s in a drop down menu on your construct page in Superior you’d get similar complaints.


    And if you add an x-drum? No such lists?

    I believe this can be done with drop downs in drop downs, leading you to the kit for where you want the kit part.

    I am sure Toontrack can find a way, like an option in preferences, for those of us who don’t care too much if the different parts were recorded in the same room.

    Butter Buns

    mmm how about some automation parameters? that would work really well with the electronica ezx inside S2. automating the bleed in the fx channels would be really cool for that ezx for example.


    ORIGINAL: Whitten
    Just on the other side, people here complain frequently about the long list of ‘drums’ in the drop down menu of EZX:Electronic.
    If you had all the snares from SDX’s in a drop down menu on your construct page in Superior you’d get similar complaints.

    Maybe not if they were cleverly sub grouped ,
    Perhaps a bit of work for Olof re-coding it though.

    Martin Ketzer

    Concerning Subgroups: I often wished, I could randomly insert a VCA-Fader (a la SSL) for faster control of my toms (e.g.). Would it be possible to make the subgroups moveable within the mixer, so the toms group will be next to the toms etc? I would really appreciate this!


    Yeah thats good my use of the term Sub Group was not in the traditional sense
    but sub grouped in text .

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