the difference between packs?

MIDI Packs Pre-sales
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  • Scott

    The Monster MIDI packs are unique MIDI that aren’t from any other MIDI packs.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    But when you click on the audio demos in say the monster midi pack.

    The titles list that song as

    1/3 monster midi pack – new york vol 2 sdx (hit factory)

    Then you go over to the new york studios vol 2 pack and play the demo’s and it says.

    4/5 New york studios vol 2 midi pack – music city usa sdx

    Please could you throughly explain. I’ve got the money to spend. But have no idea why the names of all the midi packs are combined together all over the place.



    The MIDI packs are just MIDI, not sounds.

    To provide audio examples, the MIDI is played back by the sound libraries (SDXs or EZXs) you refer to. So you can actual hear what the MIDI sounds like.

    The MIDI itself is unique to the packs unless otherwise stated. Toontrack does sell MIDI taken from SDXs or EZXs but it is clearly stated on the MIDI pack product page.

    For example, on the Amercana MIDI pack page it states:

    Please note that this is the same MIDI as included in the Americana EZX.”

    If not stated as above, all MIDI packs contain unique MIDI that isn’t found in other products.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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