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The demise of EZ Player Pro

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  • ICE_3

    EZ Player Pro was probably discontinued because it was total rubbish and didn’t do what it claimed.

    José Miguel Bloise

    Really? I don’t think that’s the consensus here. I, for one, found it pretty useful in the short time I had it.

    A a matter of fact, miss it like crazy right now, as it could be really useful not having to learn three different software products to mimic the results I had with it. To be clear, the version I was using was NOT LEGIT. But now, that I was going to regularly acquire it, it was no more for sale!

    Could it be sold as an special product with NO SUPPORT? *I* would be completely cool with it.

    What say you, guys?


    Me too. I was reading about the product and people i saw was telling good things about it.

    Chris Cox

    I’ve been using it often too and completely agree with Terence Bonnell. Disappointed to hear it’s been discontinued although it should keep working.

    Peter B.

    EZ Player Pro
    Hello, I can buy it on 2 Onlineshops for 32,- EUR. It’s good and OK for me. My Question > does it run on Windows 10 64 bit? Can I register it by Toontrack? Can I update it in the future? Thanks and musician greetings Peter Bengelmann

    Chris Cox

    Hi Peter, I can confirm that it does run on Windows 10 64 bit. There is no ongoing support from Toontrack so you’d need to contact them as to whether you can still register i on your Toontrack account. I was also disappointed when it was dropped.

    Best of luck,

    A fellow musician, Chris

    Oscar Stern

    They should reinstate it in a better version


    Thanked by: jonpen69
    Oscar Stern

    Because it’s 2024 maybe we could relaunch EZplayer pro as a newer updated version like EZplayer pro 2.


    Thanked by: jonpen69

    Be Nice If they did update it its 2024 and still nothing like this on the market i been asking for this to be brought back for time



    Thanked by: jonpen69
    Oscar Stern

    Lets hope they fix that


    Thanked by: jonpen69
    Oscar Stern

    Maybe EZ Player Pro should be relaunched as EZ Player Pro 2.


    Thanked by: jonpen69
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