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“The Classic”: what mics were used on what pieces?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Martin

    I think your best bet would be to look at the behind the scenes footage along with the video for the Classic and see if you can make out what mics were used. We don’t have that information anymore, I’m afraid.

    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer


    I see:

    Snare Top: AKG C451/Shure Sm 57
    Kick: Yamaha Subkick?/ U47 FET
    Hi-Hat;AKG C451
    4 mic Omni Cardioid Ambience setup mentioned: Neumann U67/U87 mics
    Room: Rca 44 or 44bx/I also see a 77dx.
    Rack Toms: Sennheiser Md421 mics
    Floor Tom: Neumann U67 or 87

    Meh… It’s pretty much impossible to tell what was actually used based on the video. The mics could have been different on certain kits and who’s to say mics weren’t swapped around post-video? This was tracked in a pretty awesome studio. I seriously doubt there are no track sheets. Peter, Chris and Mattias Eklund were all there. They might remember.

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