Terrible design for the “My products” section of My Account.

Requests and Feedback
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  • Laura Thomson

    Christian, it’s strange that your Pop/Rock EZX suddenly shows up as not authorized. My Pop/Rock did exactly the same thing. After I re-downloaded and typed in my computer ID, it claims that it’s authorized, but after the name of the authorized computer, instead of showing the authorization code, there’s a button saying “Download Authorization Code”. I click that, it downloads, and my computer says it doesn’t know how to open ttauth files. Confused

    In my case, the Pop/Rock EZX does NOT show up in EZ drummer 2 at all, either in the stand-alone version or when opened in my DAW. All of my other (many) EZX’s, MIDI packs, etc. updated properly and do show up. So I can’t use that EZX.

    Toontrack, could you please get my Pop/Rock EZX to work? The product is registered.

    Thank you very much!

    Jason Hood

    In my user area under producer presets, the C&V Pittman 2, and NY 2 Allen images are incorrect. Just thought I’d let you know.
    Also, is the whole site a work in progress. Can’t see where I can edit forum signatures etc.

    Mike McCann

    Hello to everyone on this 2014 string.

    I am messaging you from 7 years in the future to tell you that the mode/method/process of Toontrack’s product delivery and installation is still not corrected and your efforts at posting your concerns was wasted.  So…come with me if you want to live…


    S. Slate

    This post is entirely satirical and not intended for anyone to get their panties in a bunch…lol

Viewing 3 replies - 16 through 18 (of 18 total)

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