Hey guys, So i recently got superior drummer 2 setup on my Laptop and have a mid in/out to usb for my TD9 brain.
Now when i first load up Superior drummer and check devices its recognized as a “usb 2.0 device” and when i go to the mapping tab it’s clearly not picking up anything? I’m just wondering can anybody help me am I missing a step or something? I know people say to use USB to USB but the port is more of an input than an output as its used to listen to songs on the module.
Please guys any help would be very appreciated
Hey guys, So i recently got superior drummer 2 setup on my Laptop and have a mid in/out to usb for my TD9 brain.
Now when i first load up Superior drummer and check devices its recognized as a “usb 2.0 device” and when i go to the mapping tab it’s clearly not picking up anything? I’m just wondering can anybody help me am I missing a step or something? I know people say to use USB to USB but the port is more of an input than an output as its used to listen to songs on the module.
Please guys any help would be very appreciated
What do you mean ? Where I must check “MIDI loop” ? In my module: local MIDI > OFF ,soft through > OFF, hi hat > external. ASIO screen in attachments.As I said a can’t hear difference. Still the same mess .I thougth when I set the mapping > presets > MIDI > note mapping > and “v” E-drums Roland everything will be perfect …
Well, It is done. I installed another one USB-MIDI device”Roland UM-ONE mk2″. It seems that everything is almost correct.I am only wondering is that litte crack with stronger/louder kick bacause of overdriven or I should learn how I would be able to solved tihis problem in SD.
If we’re talking about distortion from loudness, you can try to insert a compressor in the Superior 2 mixer, set to Limiting and/or lower the output slightly.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
I have the same problem with roland TD-1k
Just bought the SD 2.0 i did install updates.
Mapping is mess, and i am newbie. I dont know how to map it from start to finish.
I tought there was a preset for my drums.. but there isnt.
I have selected TD1 midi device. If i hit hi-hat in outer part on pad it sounds right, if i hit top of pad the snare drum is there. And hi-hat pedal is same note with KICK.. only ride tin and couple of toms works propely.
HELP Please!?
-Teemu from finland
if you have the latest version (currently 2.4.3 should be displayed in the plugin interface), it is only a matter of going to the Mapping tab and selecting the Roland E-drums MIDI Mapping in the menu at the bottom of the page.
This will set most stuff up and you can fine tweak from there. When done, you save it as your own preset.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
Its the latest version. And i have selected roland e-drums on Mapping Menu. Still i have the snare and hi-hat on the hi-hat pad and bass kick on hi-hat pedal :/
Now i did get it working. Changed hi-hat midi notes to 64 on the drum module. Didnt work on factory settings.
IIRC your Hihat notes in your module should rather be:
Open Bow = 46
Open Edge = 26
Closed Bow = 42
Closed Edge = 22
Pedal = 44
to follow the Roland Standard and play well with the Roland E-drums MIDI Preset in Superior 2.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
@John said:
IIRC your Hihat notes in your module should rather be:
Open Bow = 46
Open Edge = 26
Closed Bow = 42
Closed Edge = 22
Pedal = 44to follow the Roland Standard and play well with the Roland E-drums MIDI Preset in Superior 2.
Did put those notes on td-1, doesnt work at all. when i press pedal snare rimshot is there. closed bow = snare, closed edge = tom 2 :/
this sounds totally off, something else at play here. If you have the module at Factory Settings and load the Roland E-drums MIDI Preset, it should work.
You haven’t also set the Controller type to E-drums in Toontrack solo Options, have you? Because that is meant for EZdrummer 1 users wanting to use EZdrummer 1 standalone.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
I have reset the factory setting in module. I did get close to map it ok. But when i use sd 2.0 VST, in recording program. Even the mapping doesn’t help. Hi-hat don’t work propely
Is my intallation directories right? Did use the directories that program installer wanted me to use.
can you please post a screen shot of your plugin window when you use it as a VST plugin in your recording program?
Can you check that you have no MIDI Input filters on in your host?
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
I’ve got the same problem, td9 with midi to usb going from module to mac usb.
I’ve gotten sounds from using as plug in from garageband but I’m not getting any response from sd 3.0 as standalone.
I’m using a 2i2 for studio monitors but no midi on that.
Anything you can recommend?
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