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TD9 + Superior Drummer setup

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    can you confirm that your MIDI interface is working at all with your system? I am guessing you are on Windows but which OS version exactly? Which USB to MIDI interface are you using? Do you have any other DAW/host program that you can check for incoming MIDI data in?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    You need to connect a Midi to usb cable from the midi out of your TD9 to any usb port on your computer and try again.
    The Roland TD9 Usb is not for transmitting midi data out of the TD9 .


    There is no interface, i have seen in tutorial videos people normal have a midi cable going into an interface and then directly connecting the itnerface to the pc.

    In my case i purchased a Midi to USB cable which has a split at the end of the cable for a Midi out lead and midi In lead. I put both Midi In and Midi out into the brain and connect the usb side to my pc. Only software I’m running at this point is toontrack solo which i use to launch superior drummer and then check for the device and you know the rest.

    So I’m assuming i shouldn’t have both a midi in and midi out plugged in? also is there anything else i might be missing do i need an extra software?

    I appreciate the replies guys I’m not very experienced in this field


    If you only want to trigger the Superior 2 sounds from your kit, you only need to connect the MIDI In on your USB interface to your MIDI Out on your module.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    When u got your Midi to Usb cable it should have come with a Driver DVD to install.
    I have a Roland UM one and it needs that driver so it can be seen by computer/solo or my Daw.



    I’m beginer so can you tell me why I don’t have any Roland midi presets when I open the mapping > presets > MIDI > note mapping > ….no E-drums Roland ?
    Are dedicated midi presets for Roland automaticly inside SD ?
    I’m trying to set up Roland TD-9 + Tootrack solo + simply MIDI/USD device.+ Windows 8.1/64bit
    I can play via my TD9 but there is a mess. I set up hi hat and it seems ok but not perfect and only kik has hiccup and I cant set up cimbals choke.
    What I forgot someting ?
    Second question how can I check my version of SD.
    I thing that I’v got 2.4.0. I started whith SD in 2014.12.06 /TT116_Superior_DVD0_WIN_240/ but on the main page of SD I see “v.2.3.1 (64bit) ” …
    Shell I unistall everything ?
    I’ve got SD on the DVD’s but unfortunately I had a problem with install.
    I had info; “Superior Drummer Sounds Installer disc no 1 /and had window with/ “cuold not find name file.
    please insert first disc of your sdx library”. So according solution from Mr admin I pick up soudns manually.
    any suggestion. pls help.




    you should see the version number ‘2.4.3 (64-bit)’ in the top of the plugin interface if you have got the latest version installed.
    Then the MIDI Presets should be in place on the Mapping page, as shown in the picture.
    If you go to ‘My Products’ and click on the Superior 2 product, then the ‘Updates’ tab, you should see the 2.4.3 update there.
    The ‘DVD0’ installer is just a partial web install. I do recommend uninstalling it and install the full Sound Library from the DVD:s. If there’s a problem with the Sounds Installer on the 1st DVD, please download the ‘Sound Installer revision’ on the ‘Updates’ tab in your account. Run it with the 1st DVD inserted.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor



    thank’s for your quick answer. I don know should I unintall everthing SDr first ?
    First time I installed all 4 contents of discs. So “Soud Library” is on my laptop.
    But as I said it coud’t ran normally.
    As we know download about 20 GB takes a bit of time.
    Second question what about authorization when I unistall SD.




    the plugin installation is separate from the Sound Library installation. If you Uninstall the limited Web delivery Sound Library (DVD_0), you shouldn’t uninstall the plugin.
    When you point the plugin to your Sound Library installed from the DVD:s, do you get an error?
    You can manually copy ‘soundbXX.obw’ files from the ‘SL-Avatar/Sounds’ folder on the DVD:s to your ‘SL-Avatar/Sounds’ folder on your hard drive if there are any damaged or missing.
    The Authorization is still valid if you re-install the library on the same computer. No need for Re-Authorization.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Here is my email to Toontrack.
    Sent: Fri, 05 Dec 2014
    im trying to instal sup. drummer according steps to install Superior drummer from the DVD’s from your www . after select the Superior Drummer Sounds Installer disc no 1 i have window with “cuold not find name file. please insert first disc of your sdx library. any sugesion. pls help


    Hi ,
    Thank you for your email.

    In this instance we recommend a manual installation.

    To do this please first insert disc 1 of the 5 Superior Drummer 2.0 DVDs.

    Open the contents of DVD 1 and copy (or drag and drop) the SL-Avatar folder to your preferred location on your hard drive or external drive.

    Then repeat this procedure for the remaining discs.

    Please note that for discs 2-5 you need to open the SL-Avatar/Sounds folder on each disc and drag the .obw files to the SL-Avatar/Sounds folder on your hard drive/external drive created by step 1.

    When finished, please access the SL-AVATAR/Sounds folder installed to your computer or external hard drive. Ensure that you have 13 soundobw files and 1 soundstat file.

    Please ensure you have installed the latest version of the Superior Drummer 2.0 software, version 2.4.0. This update is located in My Products > Superior Drummer 2.0 > updates section. This updates section also contains the MIDI grooves library for the Avatar library. The MIDI can only be installed via this download.

    You will then need to set the path to the Avatar library installed to your computer from the Superior Drummer 2.0 plugin.

    To do this please click the settings tab and then click the “Add path to library” button. Please then navigate to the SL-Avatar folder on your computer.

    Best Regards,
    Toontrack Music
    After this steps I can open SD but as we see I probably made a mistake with older version and I dont have MIDI presets for Roland.
    When I open “note mapping” of course I have this window but without /alesis/roland/yamaha/ e- drums. Only with “e-drums (generic)”
    Maybe something is wrong with DVD’s and I shold unistall everything and ask you about downloud SD from your server.
    I dont” know … But on the other hand probably I”v got good “Sound Library”
    So thak you vm for you advice. I will try to do your solution in first post.

    Dear Admin I”ve got an idea. When I copy only all folder of “Sounds” somewere in my comp and klick unistall Superior Drummer
    and after uninstalling Im going to reinstall it from “Superior Sound Installer” but last version. So I don”t know if it will work ?
    Of course than I’ll changed proper folder with “Sounds”. But the question is which first ? “TT116_Superior_DVD0_WIN_240” or “update 240” … ?
    What do you thing ? Confused




    I believe you’re mixing up the plugin with the Library. They are 2 different things.
    If you have the latest version of the plugin installed, you have the MIDI Presets installed. If you do not have the MIDI Presets, you do not have the latest version of the plugin.
    The Sounds Installer(s) only install Libraries. Libraries can be copied manually as per the instructions you were given.
    If you have 13 *.obw files and one soundstats file in your ‘SL-Avatar/Sounds’ folder, you have all the sound files installed.
    The ‘DVD0’ file is ONLY a limited (partial) web install and nothing you should install if you already have the *.obw files in place.
    There shouldn’t be an update named ‘2.4.0’ but rather one named ‘2.4.3’ which is what you should install.
    Please see the attached image regarding what is what in your Toontrack account but please disregard the version numbers, since the screen shot was taken some while ago.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I have all part with Sounds Library. /pic in attachment/ So as you know I had a problem with istall it from DVD’s. But there is on board. Shall I download and install
    only SD “Superior Drummer for Windows 7 or newer 2.4.3” – and clear a part – Soud Library – paste “13 .obw files + one” -. What about “Sound Instaler revision for Windows ” Can you tell me step- by- step /like a tutorial/ what I scholud do first next ect.? Sorry to bother you but I”ve got a little bit mess in my head … There are to many updates on my “Authorization page” Which is the most important 2.4.0. or 2.4.3 I mean the steps of installation … Frownjpg-02.jpg



    Since your ‘Sounds’ folder seems to be in order, the only update you need to download and install is the 2.4.3 update you marked in your first pic.

    You might as well download and install the Toontrack solo update just in case, even though I suspect it’s the one you already have installed.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Well, in the end I have 2.4.3. but unfortunatly a can’t hear difference. Still I have mess .I set the mapping > presets > MIDI > note mapping > and “v” E-drums Roland . Still hiccup. All pads when I hit together two hands fast at once has hiccup. I is not latency but brake sound. Hi hat has an extra special sound like baby plastic gun…No changes.Only my last own hi hat from last project play rather correct. CryCryCry



    Please check your MIDI connections to make sure you have no MIDI loop. Have you turned Local MIDI=OFF in your module?
    What happens with the sound if you increase the hardware buffer size in Toontrack solo? It may induce more latency but may improve the sound.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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