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TD4 vs TD4KX vs TD9 vs TD9KX?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Oli Poulsen

    I guess DrumIt five is hard to consider since it seems to be terribly delayed…and nobody appears to have a clue as to when it will available

    Then there’s also the new Alesis …lurking on the horizon.
    The module has 12 inputs…so plenty of room to expand.

    Pro Tools 10 HD3 MacPro Quad 2.66 OSX 6.8 DTXtreme III special All S2.0 packs iMac 27 3.4 i7 OSX 8.2 Pro Tools 10 HD


    I really though the 2box drumit5 was out already, I’ve seen it listed on a lot of eShops ?!

    Actually me and my drummer wanted to buy this eKit so that he could lay down tracks without having to mic his kit, and so that I could practise the instrument on my own.

    I’ve just discovered what positional sensing was, and was wondering how well it worked with toontrack products, and also if it was really annoying not to have it.

    how does superior work when there is no position information? does it randomly pick a sample between center and rim or does it always hit center ?


    It randomly picks a sample and works great.

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