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Td-30 and SD3 together are very quiet.

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    when you click the drums in the interface with your mouse, it produces a full velocity hit, i.e. the hardest hit you can produce with the drums.

    If you feel playing the pads are yielding too soft hits, please first check your module for adjusting the velocity curves. If that’s not enough or what you are after, please check the MIDI In/E-drums settings page and custom edit the TD-30 preset to adjust the Velocity Curve in SD3.

    You can also boost the incoming MIDI on the actual instrument on the Drums page.

    As with everything you custom edit, please remember to save what you do as Presets; MIDI Preset, Velocity curve Preset, Project, etc.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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