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TD-10 with or without the TDW-1-Expansion?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Damian Blunt

    I seem to recall that you need the TDW-1 to be able to use the 3-way triggering capabilities of the CY-12 and CY-15, other than that I’m not sure there are any benefits in using the TD-10 with the TDW-1 over the TD-10 without.

    I doubt very much whether you’ll be able to pick up a TDW-1 separately now so that is something to bear in mind if you were thinking of upgrading at a later stage.

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance


    Ok. Thanks.

    So it would be clever to spend more money to achieve a TD-10 with TDW-1 just because the positional sensing of the cymbals.

    On my cy-13 i even have 3-Way-triggering with the td-9…


    Can i add, if possible swap out that single zone pd100 for anything that is Dual so you can get rim shots on your snare even via the TD9 you have.
    The TD9 also gives you triple zone on the internal ride but in SD2 you need to set it up to work (just like on an X-panded TD10) it will give you Dual on the Crash as well as a 2nd Dual Crash or whatever you want.


    Sorry…my mistake. I use a pdx-100 as a side snare and a 10”-Diabolo-Snarepad which supports rimshots, crosstick, etc.


    SO you have a hybrid kit good on you !
    Edit> I am not sure you will gain anything more than 3 way on either module.
    Perhaps the TD10 give Pos Sensing on the Snare ?


    ORIGINAL: juicy

    SO you have a hybrid kit good on you !
    Edit> I am not sure you will gain anything more than 3 way on either module.
    Perhaps the TD10 give Pos Sensing on the Snare ?

    It definitly has positional sensing(at least on the snare & hihat)! I’m only not quite shure, which benefits are delivered with the tdw-1 Expansion…


    Most the benefits seem more internal sounds and more kits,
    If you look (lower down) thru this chart
    Damian supplied previously, you can see no Roland Hat pads trigger positional.
    The way it reads the TD10 looks like it does have Pos Sensing without the update and does NOT have 3 way action with or without the update.

    Roland have that pseudo 3 way via velocity switching on internal sounds so perhaps thats what you get on the TDW.
    I have had a few kits and prefer Cy13r for cymbals but the 3 way does not just work out of the box with SD2.

    Damian Blunt

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance


    On midi out or internal sounds or both ??


    I’m getting more and more confused ;-)…

    Maybe a little bit of topic, but i can get a TD-10 for 380,- EUR, a TD-10with TDW-1 for 550,- EUR and a TD-12 for 600,- EUR.

    In relation to the costs – the TD-12 is the best Deal, isn’t it? The TD-12 has positional sensing, a three-Way-Ride and isn’t THAT Old gear like the TD-10-Modules.

    The Upgrade from the TD-9 to the TD-12 makes more sense to me at all…


    Some of this stuff isn’t as straight forward as people think or skim over, look at the charts,read into it what you like.
    If i am confusing you or of topic i apologise but the value in that older TD10 is Questionable as is what positional sensing you get and how it relates to SD2 sound engine capabilities.
    Personally, if you are not using internal sounds like most of us here i can’t see a major reason to leave the TD9 for a TD10 maybe a TD12 or 20 for more inputs.
    Thats it from me , Good luck.


    if you are not using internal sounds like most of us here i can’t see a major reason to leave the TD9 for a TD10 maybe a TD12 or 20 for more inputs.

    Yeah man! The more i read about it – the more i think, that you’re right.

    Because the SD2-Software already has some “humanize”-random hitting of the Pads and cymbals. I think, that the position sensing in triggering is not THAT big thing.

    Maybe i’m gonna decide to keep my td-9-gear first of all and save some money…
    Don’t know man!


    Hi guys!

    I’ve decided to buy a TD-12 for 550,- EUR and sell my TD-9.

    So…thread ca be closed.

    Thank you all for your advices.


    I’m totally in the same boat.

    Why did you decide to go with the TD-12???


    Hey guys,

    New here to the forum.  Just purchased SD3.  Have TD10 with TDW1 expansion. I’m having connectivity issues.  I’m coming midi out of TD10 into the sd3 which is giving me a “not reading midi” fault in SD3.  My interface is being seen on the midi input/output page but at a loss as to why it’s not seeing the Roland signal.  Does anyone have a step-by-step tutorial or suggestion as to might be the cause?


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