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Switching to Mac

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • John


    Lion is not yet officially supported and you will most likely run into problems installing from DVD. There’s a better chance the Full Product Download installers available in your Toontrack account will work.
    Yes, you need to Authorize the new computer.

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi there, I am currently using a macbook pro and have many many toontrack products and expansion packs etc, I am going to upgrade to a new mac and want to know whats involved in transferring all my software over to the new machine, I will be running a full backup transfer from my old to my new comp via my external HD and I am assuming that when i fire up the new comp, all my toontrack stuff wont be on there.

    What do i do in this situation? Help please!


    Just speaking for myself, I downloaded the core software from my account (Superior and EZdrummer), and copied my sound packs and midi from the old to the new computer via an external hard drive. Worked a treat.
    I’m sure there are other, perhaps better ways to do it.


    ORIGINAL: Whitten

    Just speaking for myself, I downloaded the core software from my account (Superior and EZdrummer), and copied my sound packs and midi from the old to the new computer via an external hard drive. Worked a treat.
    I’m sure there are other, perhaps better ways to do it.


    Hi sorry I am new at this, Can you elaborate on the process of what you done? I am on my new mac now, I done a full time machine backup via ext HD, as i suspected none of my toontrack software is valid and needs to be authorized again, One again What do I do? Please help.


    If you restore a Time Machine backup to your Mac, I would just make sure to download and install the latest plugin version(s). When you start Toontrack solo or your preferred host software, you simply go through the Authorization process for each product as demanded. If you have forgotten about the Auth process, I recommend visiting
    Also, since this is the Pre-sales part of the Forum and this is turning into a Support thread, I am closing it. Please feel free to open a new thread in

    If you cannot follow the link without getting an Access denied message, please check the ‘Welcome’ Message at the top of the Forums:


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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