I just got Cubase and I got my superior drummer going in there but i am use to making all my components hit hard in ezdrummer where i just turn the velocity peg up. Now when I play my midi in Cubase everything is all of the board of soft and hard. I like the sound when i just click on the peaces its nice and sharp! but when I play the midi its dull and i tried raising the soft cap and It doesn’t seem like the same thing. I there an easy whey to just turn up all the velocity like in ezdrummer?
there is an overall velocity control on superior, check the “grooves tab”, if you want “all hard hits” for your play back, then you can just select the midi track that was created and bump all the midi data up to velocity 127.
But I think it raises a slightly larger issue in that you’re retaining ZERO dynamics, so essentially if that’s how you want the sound then I’d suggest some kind of track slamming limiter on the drums output buss and leave the midi in it’s current state to at least allow the drum samples to represent the dynamics (what’s left) even if the volume sounds like continual hard hits.
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