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Superior Drummer & Rock Solid vs The Warehouse

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  • David Levy

    yes , you would have a new selection of different drum sounds for starters that you do not already have …, plus (like any SDX – the ability to edit / shape those sounds a hell of a lot more than you can with ANY Ezx.


    Thank you for replying. The audio demo for The Warehouse did not sound very different than Rock Solid EZX for me. I have never owned any SDX’s.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface

    David Levy

    @aaron aardvark said:

    Thank you for replying. The audio demo for The Warehouse did not sound very different than Rock Solid EZX for me. I have never owned any SDX’s.

    Hi Aaron . If thats the case for you , then perhaps your better off sticking with the EZX just for now and just have lots of fun with EZD2 …, and down the track when you have the time to explore further and experiment and become familiar with the SDXs and what SD2 can do , you will later appreciate all the extra editing features of SD2 that is available to you….., it depends on what you want to do Aaron ? …., there are still many users who are content to stick with EXD2, its up to you :)

    I recently bought EZD2 specifically for the tap 2 search feature (which is so unbelievably cool and saves hours of search time looking for beats , but at the same time I desperatly wished it also included the ability to seach through 3rd party libraries and user libaries )

    – I also love EZD2’s song creator feature, but the Tag searching is something I rarely use though , and I do not like using tags in general …., but thats just my personal preferences.

    But the drum basic sounds in EZD2 are great on their own , but personally I dont like any of the presets , as there is also many customisable changes Id like to make to those sounds which are not available to me in EZD2.

    ………., just to give you a rough idea Aaron,

    – What I do Aaron is build up my drums tracks as best as I can using EZD2 with its great new features …., Sometimes I export midi files from it into a dedicated midi editor like in my DAW and back into EZD2 for more playing around .

    – When I am Happy , I will export the whole song file out of EZD2 into my Daw’s Midi editor for final editing chores where I can edit with ease and also add swing etc , use automation – options are endless …., and when complete I will open Superior Drummer 2 to play back that file.

    – Although superior drummer 2’s mixer and FX are fine …, I prefer to send all SD2s tracks out to their own individual Aux tracks for each drum and room mic , and give each of those tracks their own FX and sends etc using my own plug-ins rather than toontracks . Another thing is you can also shape the Drum sounds in SD2 so much more than EXD2

    – I also prefer to send all those individual drum tracks etc to a stereo drum bus to control the whole drum mix . This is just my preferred method , but you can do all this inside of SD2 if you wish to use their mixer and FX as I said earlier .

    – Once the rest of the tracking is done …, I like to record the audio coming from those SD tracks into tracks of their own (ie; print the stems) , and drag my FX over to them and finalize the mix on those tracks …., then I can make all the previous toontrack related tracks inactive to free up some CPU power as the audio is now printed to tracks (just like when you record a real drummer yourself) and these tracks are then great to help sync everything else after that to the drums that whole much easier …., but everyone has their own preferences ….., :)

    I am really excited to see whats in store for SD3.


    Thank you for replying again. I’m just using Cubase LE4, so I can’t have each piece of drum kit going to a separate aux track in a feasible manner. I figure SD3 is just a matter of time. It seems odd to me EZD2 has features that SD2 does not.

    Cubase 10.5, iMac OSX 10.15.7, memory 8GB, Steinberg UR22 mkII interface


    David Levy – did you know that you can enable MIDI out in EZdrummer 2, and doing so makes it possible to route the MIDI directly to Superior Drummer 2? With this setup there’s no need to move the MIDI to the Superior track when the MIDI editing is done – the Superior sounds will be used directly with the MIDI edit features from EZdrummer 2 :)

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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