Any chance the MIDI keyboard could display all white key notes and numbers (instead of just all the ‘C’ notes / multiples of 12)?
I know these appear as tooltips, but the tooltips are slow to display and given you have gone to the bother of creating ALL notes and numbers on the tooltips, surely be simple for you and much better for users to display these on the actual keyboard? I am sure the white only notes would be enough (we can work out the black ones easily enough from there).
Further thoughts:
* If I set the default to display notes why not make the tooltips display the numbers and vice versa – that would be doubly useful rather than to have to switch the default setting as currently.
* It would be really useful if the instrument’s articulation panel temporarily flashed up the MIDI note (or number – as per default setting) when I click to play it i.e. it displays on the keyboard momentarily but you need to ALT+select within the ‘Instrument’ panel and change the setting before the panel’s ‘Note’ box displays its MIDI note.
* When I hit an online keyboard note, the corresponding articulation (e.g. Hi Hat > Closed Pedal) may be at the bottom of the displayed list and is not immediately obvious as the list box does not autoscroll. Confusing and annoying in good measure.
* When I try to map my drums using the Controller and then individual mapping Presets, I have no idea what is being mapped nor how one interacts with the other. Any chance of displaying a pop-up (printable) keyboard showing the assignments (or even a list) within the UI?
Many thanks.