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Superior drummer and Mainstage3 no choke ?

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    is there some kind of MIDI Input Filter in MainStage?

    If you Monitor the incoming MIDI, do you see both Aftertouch on and off?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Oliver Keil

    Hi John,
    thanks for your advice.
    I double checked this now.
    Yes, MainStage is receiving aftertouch messages and there are no filters set.

    The same preset is working in Logic with no Problems.

    What happens is, the cymbal chokes fine in MainStage but sticks on choked mode.
    You can choke it once and then the complete cymbal stays choked until you reload the whole preset.
    It just stays choked, no release of the sound.

    In Logic you choke it and then it sounds normal with your next hit. As expected.
    In MainStage it stays choked.Frown


    Which version number is displayed in the Superior 2 interface?
    Have you tried Reset & Rescan in the AU Manager?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Oliver Keil

    Hi John,
    sorry for the delay and a happy new year to all.

    I have the latest version of Superior drummer (2.4.1) installed.
    I also tried it with EZdrummer 2 now, same problem.
    AU rescan was done. The cymbals stays choked.

    Sorry, but I don´t know. I will also post this in the MainStage Forums somewhere.
    Unfortunately the members there are not quite familiar with cymbal choking and e-drums.


    To clarify: you receive both On and Off AfterTouch from the module? What are the values if you record them in Logic? Above 65 for On and 64 and below for Off?
    Do you have more than one MIDI controller attached to the computer?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Oliver Keil

    Yes, on and off is sent.
    Values in Logic and also in MainStage are 0 for off, 127 for on.
    Please see the screenshots.Mainstage.png


    Oliver Keil

    And there are no other midi controllers attached.
    Only the Roland TD-12
    Maybe you have the chance to test this by yourself with Mainstage 3 ?
    This is really weird.



    I currently do not have MainStage 3 on my setup. I’ll see if I can get myself a copy.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Oliver Keil

    Hey John, that would be awesome !
    Waiting for your results


    Damian Blunt

    I don’t have MainStage 3 but tried with MainStage 2 yesterday. On loading Superior 2 I had the same problem – the chokes got stuck, however I think this can be solved. I went to the ‘Layout’ window and dragged a controller in – I tried using both the sustain pedal and the foot pedal and it seems to work ok with both. In MainStage 2 there is a ‘Learn’ button but it may be called ‘Assign’ in MainStage 3. Click on that and then pinch your cymbal as if doing a choke (don’t strike your cymbal first). Now go to the ‘Perform’ window and try choking that cymbal – it should now work.

    You have to repeat this for each cymbal, dragging a controller in whilst in the ‘Layout’ window and learning the choke. I had not used MainStage prior to yesterday and am not sure if this is the correct way of solving the choke problem but it seems to work.

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance

    Oliver Keil

    Hey guys, now this works perfectly !!!
    Many thanks for your great support !


    Tim Prestwich

    Hi Oliver,


    could you please explain how i can get EZdrummer to work in Mainstage? i cant get it to start along with the audio stems.

    any help would be greatly appreciated

    cheers Tim.

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