Tracker: Macro access to Mix knobs
Next/Prev buttons for Drumkit Part and mixer presets (similar to the Kit piece menus at the top of the instrument tab)
Grid Editor: Show only tracks with data in the lane
Grid Editor: Make lanes wider
Grid Editor: Better defined grid subdivisions (variations in thickness or color for weak/strong beats)
Grid Editor: Set grid to swing
Grid Editor Select Menu: Select all notes in a certain velocity range (to even out the dynamics of higher velocity notes but leave lower ghost notes alone)
Grid Editor: Fill loop with 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 notes (Maybe in the right click menu in Grid Editor on specified track)
VST3 support (in the mixer) for 3rd party plugins
Improved detection with OH and multiple cymbals (Tracker)
Grid Editor: Volume control for click level on the interface
Ability to do custom user velocity layered drums (easier)
Swap Spacebar transport behavior or turn on/off return to start (so we don’t have to hold the option key for this behavior)
We need “SOLO” and “Instrumental” or “Interlude” as song parts. Or, How about custom song part names in the Preferences?
Grid Editor: More comprehensive controls for Dynamics (Range for compression E.G. min/max values)
Outros: Include outros with every Groove/Style including outros that ritard, trashcan endings, short/longer endings, endings where the drums don’t sound like they’re trying to solo. There are very few endings available…and I’m NOT a drummer, sooooooo…. endings. OR give us some way to take a section, set a tempo for the front of the section, a tempo for the END of the section, and then make it gradually change tempos to provide a ritardando to end the song.
The ability to import two different track1 and to be able to cut and paste betwen the tracks
The ability to import two different track1 and to be able to cut and paste betwen the tracks
Maybe I misunderstand but you can already have multiple Song Tracks (hundreds of them!) and copy and paste between them.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
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