Superior Drummer 3 Upgrade Discontinued?!

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • PlatypusNL

    erhm… Toontrack states that SD2 will stop working on numerous platforms!

    The Superior Drummer 3 Upgrade will be discontinued since Superior Drummer 2 no longer is supported, updated or available for purchase (which in effect means it will become obsolete and cease to work on numerous platforms at some point in time).

    @John said:

    @ngstime said:
    It has to do with:
    “Give us $200 by the end of the year, or you’re done!”

    Simply put: that is Extortion!

    Can you please show me where that line has been communicated?

    AFAIK no one is pointing a gun at you or threatening you that bad things will happen to you unless you give Toontrack money.
    You were given an 8 months heads-up that the discounted upgrade offer will end.
    You are free to take up on that offer or pass.
    I own a lot of software and other products that from time to time entitle me to get time-limited special/discounted offers. To say that each of those are criminal acts that “force” me to pay, is simply absurd, IMHO. Either I take an offer or I deem it not worth investing in for the moment.

    Your current Toontrack software will not stop working when that offer ends. Your products that you own will still work. You are not being forced to buy something.

    Just my personal $0.02.



    Thanked by: ilter


    since you quote me, I reply to what you have quoted.
    I did not write that Toontrack will continue to support Superior 2 indefinitely on platforms not released today.
    There is just the simple fact that if you continue to use your working software on the for you currently working platform, this will not change. It’s not a subscription ending.
    If you decide later on, ‘at some point in time’, that you need to get a new computer with a brand new OS, well… then you may have to renew a lot of your old software.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Does this apply to crossgrade from EZ drummer too?


    @shaynekaurin said:
    Does this apply to crossgrade from EZ drummer too?  


    are you asking if it will be possible to cross grade from EZdrummer 2 after the above discussed Superior 2 to Superior 3 upgrade offer has ended?
    To the best of my knowledge, yes you can. I haven’t seen anything indicating or stating otherwise.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Craig Hlady

    I too am quite disappointed in this forced upgrade now or else . I’m not sure what the point of this  policy really is as it doesn’t make any sense? No other sample library I own has discontinued upgrading for products of theirs I own .  I have have been on the fence about upgrading for a while as I have SD2, EZ  kits , drum replacement programs for my live studio kit, and and many other drum programs which all have become very good in their own right . Maybe they don’t have as many mic positions but I don’t necessarily need them all either. So the question is do I really need another drum program ?

    There are some nice features in SD3 but if you really are going to end this upgrade policy at least have a final  upgrade sale for Black Friday or Christmas for your loyal customers or I will probably have to pass on upgrading.

    • This post was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Craig Hlady.


    Thanked by: ilter
    Marc Beaulieu

    Just to clarify. Is it that there will still be an upgrade path (regular upgrade or cross-grade), but won’t be discounted? Or is it that if you want SD3 starting 2019, you will just need to buy it at the full version price?

    I have to agree with some others, that I’ve never seen a time-limited upgrade path for software, well probably, ever. Yes, I’ve seen time-limited offers/sales, but this seems different. And I own a TON of software, whether it’s music plug-ins/software or other computing software.  I guess you’re creating a new business model with this kind of thinking. But perhaps you’re thinking that you’ll be discounting the full version anyway, so why have the upgrade path? I know when I bought SD2, it certainly wasn’t the current full price cost. Kind of a messed-up game to play with your current customers though.


    Thanked by: Pete_34, ilter and Ben_4
    James Vining

    I totally believe that the upgrade (SD3) is a great deal, my only problem is I do not have the $200 nor will I possibly have it by Jan 1 2019, unless I cancel christmas for everyone in the family or some anyway.

    the kids that is, how would that look sorry no christmas presents or few of them because Scrooge mc me wanted to get Superior drummer 3.

    Really sucks that first I had Cakewalk go Poof leaving me with a SONAR X3 with no more support etc, at that time when I found out only had like a month to switch to some other DAW but could not.

    Now this

    I love toontrack stuff have since the first dfh Custom and Vintage.

    Again I think the price is Ridiculously low but being Disabled on a very crappy limited income now $200 is a lot bigger chunk of $$ then it used to be.

    hell I used to probably blow $200 just going out on a weekend.


    Oh wow, I seen someone posted this Upgrade was mentioned 8 months ago?? I wonder why I just heard about it only last month (October)?

    • This post was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by James Vining.


    Thanked by: ilter
    Gary Stephens

    Just to clarify. Is it that there will still be an upgrade path (regular upgrade or cross-grade), but won’t be discounted?

    That was how I took it. When I read the email I did not get the idea that the upgrade path would end, only that the discounted price on the upgrade would end, and after the start of 2019 the upgrade would go back to a full price upgrade. My impression was that they have discounted the upgrade price until the end of the year, not that they are getting rid of the upgrade completely.

    Maybe one of the mods can confirm if I am understanding their intent correctly?

    Music is the universal language! Let's communicate!

    Gary Stephens

    Hi, are you asking if it will be possible to cross grade from EZdrummer 2 after the above discussed Superior 2 to Superior 3 upgrade offer has ended? To the best of my knowledge, yes you can. I haven’t seen anything indicating or stating otherwise.

    Just to clarify. Is it that there will still be an upgrade path (regular upgrade or cross-grade), but won’t be discounted?

    That was how I took it. When I read the email I did not get the idea that the upgrade path would end, only that the discounted price on the upgrade would end, and after the start of 2019 the upgrade would go back to a full price upgrade. My impression was that they have discounted the upgrade price until the end of the year, not that they are getting rid of the upgrade completely.

    Maybe one of the mods can confirm if I am understanding their intent correctly?

    Music is the universal language! Let's communicate!



    There is no difference between the three different products (Upgrade, Crossgrade, Regular) in terms of how they work or the software itself. It’s just a matter of pricing. So yes, come 2019 there will be not be three available Superior Drummer 3 products to choose from since the Upgrade (Product and Pricing) will be discontinued. The heavily discounted Upgrade deal will by then have been available for about 16 months.

    Come 2019 the Regular version and the Crossgrade version will be the only ones available.

    -Regular Version-
    For all customers that do not own EZdrummer 2.
    $419 | €349 | 2 999 SEK

    For owners of any version of EZdrummer 2
    $319 | €269 | 2 499 SEK

    Please note:
    Superior Drummer 2 will still work on your computer and you can continue using it together with your SDXs and the SDXs/EZXs that were released before SD3.
    But since Superior Drummer 2 is a product no longer available in the webshop and “no longer exists” (at least not as a purchase option) it will not be supported forever.

    This basically means that no new updates will be released for Superior Drummer 2, so when it comes to compatibility with future Operating Systems or future DAWs we cannot guarantee it will work for all eternity.

    Also, new SDXs and EZXs, such as the Rock Foundry SDX, Hard Rock EZX, Action! EZX, UK Pop EZX or Drums of Destruction EZX require Superior Drummer 3.

    • This post was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Viktor.
    Gary Stephens

    Superior Drummer 2 will still work on your computer and you can continue using it together with your SDXs and the SDXs/EZXs that were released before SD3.

    Also, new SDXs and EZXs, such as the Rock Foundry SDX, Hard Rock EZX, Action! EZX, UK Pop EZX or Drums of Destruction EZX require Superior Drummer 3.

    Will the expansion packs I have now for my SD2 work in SD3? I understand the new SDX expansions will only work with SD3, but will SD3 be able to use my existing expansions that I have been using in my SD2?

    Thanks for the clarification.


    Music is the universal language! Let's communicate!


    Will the expansion packs I have now for my SD2 work in SD3? I understand the new SDX expansions will only work with SD3, but will SD3 be able to use my existing expansions that I have been using in my SD2?


    Yes, the SDXs released for, and used with, Superior Drummer 2 will also work in Superior Drummer 3. Same with your EZXs and your MIDI packs. They will also work in SD3.

    Have a nice day!

    Gary Stephens

    J’espère que vous n’êtes pas sérieux avec cette intention. Vous me forcez à mettre à jour maintenant et à le désactiver plus tard – c’est injuste! Tu ne feras pas ça! J’ai déjà investi en toi, ne dis pas que ça ne comptera plus! Si je ne suis pas prêt à mettre à niveau maintenant, ne me force pas! Laissez-le moi quand je mets à jour!

    the rough google translation…..

    “I hope you are not serious with this intention. You force me to update now and disable it later – it’s unfair! You will not do that! I have already invested in you, do not say that it will count more! If I’m not ready to upgrade now, do not force me! Leave it to me when I update!”


    I can kinda understand. I am a programmer so I know one thing they do not want to do is go on indefinitely supporting SD2 and SD3. At some point they have to end support for SD2, and that by definition includes ending support for the upgrade. They can’t have SD3 out there and have it be stagnant just so we can all take our time upgrading. If they improve SD3 then they have to modify the upgrade process as well, and they dont want to do that with no end in sight. I get that.

    Not trying to take sides, I just have some understanding for both points of view.

    Music is the universal language! Let's communicate!


    Will I still be able to reinstall and aurthorize my SD2 after Dec 1st if I have a problem or do a PC hardware upgrade?



    Will I still be able to reinstall and aurthorize my SD2 after Dec 1st if I have a problem or do a PC hardware upgrade?






    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: LoopyFruit
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