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Superior Drummer 3 Upgrade Discontinued?!

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • hisroyalsucculence

    Well, they lost one customer with this upgrade scheme. I’m just now getting back into recording and see there is no upgrade discount for owning SD2 and so will not invest in purchasing the upgrade without a discount.


    Thanked by: Bartholomew Boge



    I have $500 invested the fools.   scroll




























    I occasionally check here to see if Toontrack have relented, but alas… :((

    Maybe Toontrack fear that they wouldn’t be able to cope with the overwhelming demand if they were to reintroduce a discounted upgrade! 😉


    Somehow I missed the upgrade offer, and every now and then I check to see if Toontrack have changed their mind and give old users a second opportunity to upgrade.

    In the past I used SD2.0, and I bought several expansion packs so I don’t think it’s cool of Toontracks to dismiss my loyalty as a customer by not providing any chance to upgrade. I think the software is fantastic, but I am not going to pay the full price for SD3 when I already invested a lot of money in SD2.

    So I’m hoping Toontracks will consider the fact that there are users like myself who missed the upgrade offer, and perhaps give us a second opportunity to upgrade.


    How about rewarding loyal customers by offering an upgrade at anytime at a reduced rate?? No other software I’m using ever does this..sorry will be looking for another program to run


    Thanked by: Bartholomew Boge and Mjusick

    Me too 🙁


    Thanked by: Bartholomew Boge

    Just adding my voice in hopes that Toontrack sees the mistake they made by denying loyal customer an upgrade path.

    I honestly cannot fathom why any software company would not offer discounted upgrades. That’s how you keep your customers loyal, buying adons etc. As someone eloquently said before me, it’s not about continued support of an old product. I don’t think anyone expects Toontrack to keep supporting SD2 for all eternity and even lowering the discount after a reasonable time is fine in my book as well. But asking a customer to pay full price for a one version upgrade is bad form and comes across as arrogance IMHO.

    Lets keep voicing our dissatisfaction on the matter here in hopes that Toontrack will turn their heads and listen at some point. We can also spread the word on other forums and social media which likely will discourage potential new customers from doing business with them.

    David Berry

    I agree with all you said. Unfortunately Toontrack doesn’t care as much about existing customer as they do their bottom line.


    Thanked by: Bartholomew Boge and ilter

    Someone commented before that the online masses don’t appreciate or value what they get easily on the net, including millions of mediocre free products or otherwise great stuff obtained via piracy. The “try and buy” piracy excuse is truly pathetic and cynical since lots of  “producers” get piracy stuff including Toontrack products and use it publicly even in large scale because they note that is near to  impossible to track and sue so many hundreds of thousands of illegal users, further if companies concentrated on such demanding task, they would end up neglecting product quality.
    Piracy users even monetizing at the mercy of the immense and amazing work like the one that TT drums entail, they don’t invest in turn legal software even for a bargain! It is truly a very difficult scenario to hold onto,

    Finally I appreciate and applaud ToonTrack’s decisions even though they may seem annoying to many, however, I think Toontrack should have a less square and more conscious upgrade scheme than this current one that feels like an imposition, even though their products are of incredible quality.


    Thanked by: Bartholomew Boge

    Instead of paying for a product that didn’t have sustainable upgrade pricing I went out and bought addictive and now slate drums. The slate drums sound better than anything I’ve ever used. I also have the new-ish TT product that I didn’t pay for. TT lost revenue opportunity no skin off me. It’s too bad TT couldn’t just have a decent conversation in this thread instead of a snarky support rep being a total azwipe. Had they conducted themselves in a decent and quite frankly more professional manner I could and likely would still be a customer but I’m not, and I still have the software. Had they said “look folks we looked at our metrics and KPI’s and this really is a decision that we think is best” that would have been an olive branch and decent. Instead we got some snarky soy boy barking like a female poodle and telling all the TT clients they could f-off. Their social media adds would not have taken the pounding they did had they just been civil and communicated in a reasonable non confrontational way. It reminds me of the south park Mormon episode dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. dumb! It’s not a good idea for software companies to do what TT did because everyone knows they can still get what they want. Too bad so sad for TT.

    Mac OS, Logic Pro


    Thanked by: Bartholomew Boge, kubamajer and Juan Manuel

    I bought SD2 and a bunch of expansion packs. Became my go-to drum program, love it to bits. For personal reasons I packed up the home studio and wasn’t able to get back into it until this year (long story).  I went through updating everything on my Mac and getting the whole thing working again (pretty much everything needed updating!). Even Logic is new and improved!  What a surprise to find SD2 is now SD3, is discontinued with no upgrade path!! I agree with the commenters that it’s a great product and worth the money, and they could have gone to a subscription model so that’s a win, but wasn’t that the whole point of buying SD2, on a NON-subscription model, to avoid this? Ironically, I went for the flagship over EzDrummer because it’s A: better, and B: supposedly more future proof, yet ExDrummer is the only product eligible for crossgrade??  (Yes I know SD was eligible for a while, but I was off the grid music-wise during this time and missed the memo!)

    I’m a little gobsmacked and more than a little disappointed.

    Sunbury, Australia


    Hi there!

    I also like the Superior Drummer and have bought a lot of extensions and MIDI files. Same with EZKeys.
    Punishing loyal customers is really unfair!
    Is there a way to sell the licenses?
    Addictive Drums 2 is not quite as huge as Superior Drummer 3 but also great software from a very fair manufacturer.
    Unfortunately, I’m a gear junkie and I don’t think I have seen anything like this with any other provider.
    How to piss off customers … 😉

    best regards


    Thanked by: Bartholomew Boge and Brian Clifford

    Is there a way to sell the licenses?

    You can sell and do a licence transfer with the help of Toontrack support. But if it’s SD2 SDXs I guess they’d have to be relevant for SD3 in as much they were still going to be supported for the forceable future.

    I ended up going to AD2 after the last ‘black Friday’ event with nothing appearing to entice SD2 buyers for an upgrade. So far, I have no regrets, but I’m not really a sound engineer and AD produces great ‘dry’ sounds for any of the projects I’m needed to produce home recordings for.



    Thanked by: Brian Clifford

    I read it and … changed my mind about buying! Thank!


    Well, I was a disapointed at a time too, but I don’t see the lack of upgrade path as a reason to not considering SD3 if one can afford it. It is an awesome drum writting and production tool with superb quality level that IMHO is worth every cent it cost. Also note that if you own SD2 and then you buy SD3 you will still be able to use the Avatar library within SD3, which is a SDX library that would cost 159 eur to a new SD3 user that didn’t previously owned SD2, so that may be an advantage of already owning SD2. That said I understand the frustration though

    Check out my youtube channel

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