In the current version of Superior Drummer 3, it seems you can load parts (ex : instrument only, or mixer only) of presets only for USER presets, which is very frustrating, considering how rich the factory (stock) presets are.
In Superior Drummer 2, you could load parts of presets for ANY presets (which were called “combined presets” by the way), including the factory presets.
It was very handy, because you could load a preset, start tweaking it (instrument and/or mixer), and then be like “how would my “Led Zep” preset sound if i load the instrument (but not the mixer) from a “tight metal” preset” ?
This is not currently possible in SD3…
Toontrack, please make the “load parts” option for ALL the presets (including factory presets), not only user presets !
I attached pictures of the SD2 behaviour vs the SD3 behaviour regarding this matter.