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Superior drummer 3 full screen

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  • Scott Eshleman

    SuperiorDrummer3 Operation Manual – Section 9.4 “The View Menu”

    There are two applicable settings in the “View” menu:
    Scale: These options change the total size of the Superior Drummer 3 interface. Its extremely useful if you have a very small laptop screen and need to make the entire interface smaller, or if you have a large screens and would like to see a larger scaled interface.
    Size: Here you can choose one of the preset sizes for the Superior Drummer 3 window, or create a custom window size. Note: when creating videos with Superior Drummer 3 the 1080p option is very convenient!

    as well as:
    Set to Minimum Size and Scale: Choosing this option will change the size and scale of the SD3 window to the smallest possible option.
    Reset to Default Size and Scale: Changes both the scale, size, and proportions of the window back to the default.

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