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Superior Drummer 3 – Alter Bridge Drum Sound

Studio Corner
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  • Bear-Faced Cow

    You should be able to come close with one of the hard rock or metal presets in either library. The most you may need to do is change out a kick or snare (or stack a kit piece on top) to make it the way you want it.

    Keep in mind that your guitar and bass tonality will have an effect as well as they can wind up masking out some frequencies on your kit.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:


    Thanked by: 6StringChug

    Many thanks, Jord!

    I´ll try out some kits – never mixed up different drums myself, so far only went for the preset and used those out of the box but there should be some presets that are already EQéd in a similar direction and I would just swop some single instruments.

    Thanks again!

    Bear-Faced Cow

    You will more than likely have to do some tweaking within some of the plug-ins, including EQ if they are tuned to a kit piece, as you could be boosting or cutting the wrong frequency. Seeing as you are new to audio production, I would suggest a course on it.

    On of my favourites for modern hard rock is Bob Marlotte:


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:

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