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Superior Drummer 2 + TD 15 = module freeze

E-drum Workshop
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  • Henrik

    You might already have used our Product Manager to check that all Toontrack software is updated – but I have to ask, because that’s often the reason for problems like this.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    yes i installed the softwares using the product Manager.

    both 32 and 64 bits are installed. no luck using these 2 …

    I wonder if my USB extension cable is the problem here. it’s a pretty long one (15ft) that i use to connect to my desktop computer….


    It’s always a good thing to replace things when looking for an error, and trying out a shorter USB cable will eliminate (or confirm) if that’s the problem.
    Other things to check:
    – that you have the latest version of your audio interface software
    – close all your programs that you don’t need, to exclude those from the list of things that can cause the problem
    – try to (temporarily) increase the buffer size of your audio interface. This will lighten the load of the CPU, just to check if that helps. It will, however, increase the latency.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    found the problem

    faulty usb port 🙂

    yay time for drumming

    thanks Henrik for your time

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