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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*



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  • Scott

    Standalone operation for S2 is only available if you’ve downloaded and installed Toontrack Solo. Download and install Solo from the Updates section in your S2 product section of your My Products page.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @Scott said:

    Standalone operation for S2 is only available if you’ve downloaded and installed Toontrack Solo. Download and install Solo from the Updates section in your S2 product section of your My Products page.

    Thank you, Scott. It didn’t say that in the “Important Read Me” section of the Download, so there was no way of knowing!



    So I installed Toontrack Solo. When I was using the Demo of EZ Drummer 2 I was able to create custom “events” and there were tracks for each instrument. Why do I not get those tracks in Superior Drummer in Toontrack Solo and why can I not build custom events? Basically, I can not even create a song at this point!


    Toontrack solo is a stand-alone application designed to host Toontrack samplers such as Superior Drummer 2.0 and EZdrummer 1. It is particularly suited for musicians wanting to jam along with a friend (real ones if you are a drummer or a virtual one if you are a guitarist), or to perform live (for your own pleasure or in front of an audience). Solo doesn’t have any recording capabilities or song creation tools. S2 doesn’t have a Song Track like EZD2.

    If you need to record your performance or build a song, you’ll need a DAW to do that. There are plenty available (Cubase, Sonar, Pro Tools, Reaper, et al).

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @Scott said:

    Toontrack solo is a stand-alone application designed to host Toontrack samplers such as Superior Drummer 2.0 and EZdrummer 1. If you need to record your performance or build a song, you’ll need a DAW to do that. There are plenty available (Cubase, Sonar, Pro Tools, Reaper, et al).

    OK, Scott. Thank you. Feeling deceived by my salesperson at the moment!


    I will have to expand the sounds available to me in creating different drum sounds. Could you explain the difference between the EZX Sound Expansion Packs and the MIDI Packs, please. I’m assuming the the EZX SPs are the actual different drum kits and their sounds, while the MIDI packs are more of preformed loops. I’m looking more for different sounding instruments since I prefer to create or build my own beats (events) from scratch.

    Are the SDX packs for Superior Drummer basically different drum kits, or are they more MIDI loops?

    Are the EZX SPs and MIDI packs 32 or 64 bit.

    I’m assuming the SDX packs are 64 bit. I’m also assuming that the EXZ products work in Superior Drummer.

    Thank you for your help!


    ‘Could you explain the difference between the EZX Sound Expansion Packs and the MIDI Packs, please. I’m assuming the the EZX SPs are the actual different drum kits and their sounds, while the MIDI packs are more of preformed loops.’

    Yes, that is correct.

    ‘Are the SDX packs for Superior Drummer basically different drum kits, or are they more MIDI loops?’

    Both. SDXs have different drum kits in addition to a set of MIDI grooves.

    ‘Are the EZX SPs and MIDI packs 32 or 64 bit.’

    The EZXs were recorded in 16-bit I believe. MIDI packs are MIDI data and are neither 32-bit nor 64-bit.

    ‘I’m assuming the SDX packs are 64 bit. I’m also assuming that the EXZ products work in Superior Drummer.’

    SDX samples are 24-bit but use a Toontrack compression algorithm. The Toontrack samplers (EZdrummer and Superior Drummer) are plugins and have both 32-bit and 64-bit version to run in 32-bit and 64-bit DAWs respectively. And yes, EZdrummer products (EZXs) load and work fine in S2.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    THANK YOU very much, Scott!

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