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Superior 3 Cubase mono out

Studio Corner
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  • John


    open the Settings > Advanced in SD3 and put a tick in the check box.
    Restart Cubase, this should do it. Since I don’t have a copy of Cubase installed, I am unsure if you will need to Rescan the VST or not but you know how to do this, right?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Klaus Binder

    I just facing the issue with a bigger project where I needed all 16 stereo channels.

    It works so far with 32 mono channel setting. (less stress then with 20 mono channels)


    it is not a very elegant solution because the mixer within SD3 the output is only available as stereo.

    okay it can be accomplished by setting the panorama either left or right but this is not an efficient at all

    wish in the SD3 Mixer I could simply assign the individual channels to the respective mono channel and don’t have to consider a panorama with the risc of eventual crosstalk

    maybe one day this can be implemented in SD3


    I am totally baffled here, I am coming from BFD3 and was assuming you could route a kick > mono output and it be recognised as a mono channel in Cubase, I also assume I could route snare > mono and the same. I also assume I could send OH, Room and AMB etc to stereo out and it be recognised as a stereo channel in cubase.

    What I get is 32 mono channels. It also seems I have two mono channels for a stereo Hi-Hat for example, I can’t mix mono and stereo outs in the same mixer?

    Am I missing something? It’s very frustrating as I have just forked out £300 and cannot do what I was expecting the VSTi to do! Route correctly.

    Please, can anyone help me out here? How do I use mono & stereo together?


    We are aware of that it would be a more elegant solution to have say 16 mono and 8 stereo outputs as an option. However, this is far from trivial for us to solve, for lots of reasons. Our presets will have to deal with these different output scenarios, when you instantiate the plugin in a DAW the number and mono/stereo states of outputs can’t change, etc.

    One way to do this is to create a template in your DAW where you route the different channels so that they can be mixed properly as mono or stereo channels. For example, if you use all outputs as mono in Cubase, send 2 of those mono channels to a stereo channel, hard panned left and right. In the end, a stereo channel isn’t anything else than 2 mono channels panned left and right.

    We have this noted on our todo list, and as soon as we have some time to spare, we’ll look at this issue, because it would be a better solution with, for example, different selectable plugins (a 16 stereo out, a 16 mono 8 stereo out, a 32 mono out, etc.)



    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    So I figured a workaround until SD3 gets an update.

    In Cubase 9.5 (at least) do your usual. Open SD3, in SD3 don’t switch to 32 mono outs, instead do this;

    use the 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 stereo outs etc…. 3/4 (kick), 5/6 (snare)…. right? Whatever you want to be mono simply create a mono group track for that stereo channel. In mixer view hide the outputs of the SD3 VSTi and heypresto, a quick workaround.

    Ideally it’d be perfect once SD3 has the capability to do this itself.

    I really hope it’s soon.


    Thanked by: unjazzmaster and Henrik
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