Superior 2.3 – E-kit mapping that sticks

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    first of all, I just want to remind you to stay updated on both plugin and libraries.

    What I have done with my Hart Pro/Roland TD-12 setup, is that I loaded the ‘E-drums’ factory MIDI Preset on the Mapping page in the plugin and tweaked it from there.
    Next, I saved this as my own MIDI Preset.
    If I load another SDX or EZX, I just apply my own User Preset, which is a 2-click operation.

    IIRC, the possibility to make the current MIDI mapping Default mapping, just like you can with libraries, has been requested before but feel free to post such a request in the ‘Requests & Feedback’ Section.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hello John.
    Thanks for the fast answer.
    Yes i tried to do that Midi-thing but i couldn’t get it to work with my 2box kit.. i guess i tried to make it default but it just didn’t do anything.. and i had to re-learn the hihat cc and everything too.. but i’ll try it tomorrow again to see if i missed anything.. Thanks anyway.

    I will certainly make a request for this, because i get annoyed if the drums doens’t sound right while tracking.. i can’t concentrate 😀

    ha d


    Hello again.
    I just rescently found out that the MIDI-mapping actually worked, but can’t confirm if it were the Combined preset  for each kit i created or what.
    But i wan’t to know if i could save this Midi-mapping as a “default” so i don’t need to assign it every time i load superior or when i switch Expansions?



    this should be save as a MIDI Preset on the Mapping page, so it isn’t a Combined Preset thing. Well, MIDI mapping is of course part of a Combined Preset but for what you are asking about, it’s the MIDI Preset you save.
    Making a MIDI Preset a Default mapping is currently not possible but it shouldn’t be more than a 2-click operation to apply it.
    And if you save a Combined Preset with your MIDI mapping applied, it should of course be included.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hello again.
    Yes i’m already aware about the 2-click operation but when you have your e-kit slightly off where you have the computer and also have several expansions you want to try to different songs it easily ends up a mere 20-or more-click operations.. i mean the whole problem would have been solved if one could overwrite the default MIDI-mapping that is loaded with the plug.. but if that is incorporated in the code it’s a bit harder..

    But is it so complicated to change this in the code?


    Please post in the Requests & Feedback section to add this to the Feature list.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Ok thanks.
    Would you be so kind to point me in that direction, i don’t find it anywhere on those pages.


    Ok, thanks!

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