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Studio Corner
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  • Henrik

    I don’t think it’s a bad idea, because when you mix into sub groups you have the option to glue the parts of the bus together (with compressors and other plugins). What you also could try is to create parallell compression with any of your buses to create more punch and attitude to the track.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Thanks Henrik,
    Most tutorials show a submix to one bus per group of tracks (inst/vox/fx). I been trying to figure out (being a novice) how to emulate some of the mixer presets
    in S2 as they are not set up for multiout. Plus, I have a wider variety of plug ins at my disposal.

    Any other comments or opinions are certainly welcome.

    2004 Fender American Stratocaster Marshall MG 250 Digitech GNX4 Guitar Workstation Novation Impuse 49 Scarlett 8i6 Presonus Eris 5 monitors Sonar X3 Pro Win7 HP 64 Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H Intel i5 3470(3rd gen) 3.2GHz 16GB RAM (2)1TBHDD

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