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Stuck in a download verify loop

Product Manager
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  • Al Hughes

    I am now having this same issue. it seems to be sound32.obw that is causing the snag. I have tried all mentioned trouble shooting multiple times with no success. Sucks this is my favorite library

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)
    James Watson

    So you have not yet had a download session in which sound32.obw WAS successfully downloaded? That file has been the one and only file you have been having problems with, from the start? To reiterate, when I found myself in this situation, I was able to work around it only by having success in downloading in a previous session a file that I was subsequently having problems with. It was matter of killing the download, killing all the files, and trying a fresh download multiple times, trying to get successful downloads of all the files in several sessions. A real PITA!


    So after running into some small issues along the way with installing the superior library , it seems I am now stuck on the verify loop as well on the “Additional Bleed” library. the problem seems to be with soundb133.obw it seems to be the last file in the verification everytime. I have tried all these steps but to no avail. Its been WELL OVER 24 HOURS of this now. How do I proceed? Steps I’ve taken: pausing , refresh , restart of product manager. Completely uninstalling Product Manager and Reinstalling. Deleted several full downloads and started over only to keep running into this problem , left it running overnight. Restarting windows in safe mode and manually swapping the files. It seems to be a “SERVERS” issue. Please help. getting very frustrated.

    Operating system: Windows 10
    Scott Bressler

    I’m having exactly the same problem with the same sound library and file (soundb133.obw). I tried the deleting/renaming work-around with no luck.

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)

    Hi guys,

    my advice would be that you open a Support Ticket by clicking the ‘Contact Support’ button at the bottom of any of the FAQ pages.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Scott Bressler

    Sweetwater contacted Toontrack directly and was able to get them to resolve the issue.

    “We saw the file held up on the server side and we have purged it. Should finish and verify once the Product Manager is launched again. ”

    ivinsart82, you should try re-installing the Bleed library.

    Best of luck

    (BTW, I’m thoroughly impressed with Sweetwater’s customer service. Can’t recommend them enough)

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)
Viewing 6 replies - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

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