If you’re running the strike pro se through SD3, how do you get the audio coming out of SD3 into your mains or monitor mix instead of laptop speaker?
My setup is 8 outputs going into the front of house and the monitor mix going through the monitor speaker. Running SD2 demo, on the verge of getting SD3, running on a mac, have the strike module connected through printer cable to the computer and on the back of the module.
Also, in SD2 or SD3 if you’re using the Roland vh10 as your hi-hats with the strike pro module, will that cause an issue with the mapping inside SD3 for hi-hat sounds, so far the only issue I’ve had while running demo is when hats are opened and hit, it’s being trigged through cc4 I believe which is causing one of my other cymbals to trigger, how can I fix this, and would this be an issue with SD3.a