Does anyone use a Stream Deck to operate the play/stop (or more) controls within an EZ instrument, preferably within a DAW environment? I’m trying to get away from using a mouse and someone mentioned a Stream Deck device would be good.
Just a strong assumption for you. If you can get streamdeck to send a midi CC value, you can probably do it. So maybe ask a streamdeck community about that. I predict you may need two buttons, one for play and one for stop. I’m curious about this due to your question, I just don’t have time to go after it myself right away.
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Expanding on Shootie’s suggestion and more to the point of a DAW, if the stream deck supports MCU or HUI (or possibly MMC) protocols, you would be able to assume control of your DAW as it would be recognized as a control surface.
Thanks. I’m thinking sending a MIDI CC is the best option (Stream Deck can do that), but because I have an ATOM SQ, I’m wondering if I can just use that device to send a MIDI CC to the EZ plugin to control play/stop within the plugin itself (when I only want the plugin playing and not the DAW). I’ll have to mess around with it later.
Expanding on Shootie’s suggestion and more to the point of a DAW, if the stream deck supports MCU or HUI (or possibly MMC) protocols, you would be able to assume control of your DAW as it would be recognized as a control surface.
- This post was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Bear-Faced Cow.
Thanks. I also use the SSL DAW controllers (UF1 and UF8) which operate under those protocols for my DAW (Studio One), so maybe there’s a way to get one of those devices to either send a unique keyboard shortcut to the plugin? I’ll have to mess around with it later.
I am using Stream Decks but together with SoundFlow, which kind of sets them on steroids. It’s Mac only and not free, so it may not be for you but what I can do is to make a certain Stream Deck active when EZdrummer 3 is in the foreground and then you can bind keystrokes to buttons (hardware or virtual decks) which makes it easier to navigate. I.e. you can have a button for regular Play/Stop, one for Pause/Play, one for Move Playhead to Previous Start, one for Move Playhead to Start, etc.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
Thanked by: Scott Eshleman and BFRedrocksHi,
I am using Stream Decks but together with SoundFlow, which kind of sets them on steroids. It’s Mac only and not free, so it may not be for you but what I can do is to make a certain Stream Deck active when EZdrummer 3 is in the foreground and then you can bind keystrokes to buttons (hardware or virtual decks) which makes it easier to navigate. I.e. you can have a button for regular Play/Stop, one for Pause/Play, one for Move Playhead to Previous Start, one for Move Playhead to Start, etc.
That sounds great! I think the trick may be to have unique key commands for the EZ transport controls so the Stream Deck (or other device) doesn’t compete between the plugin and the DAW.
I don’t understand why you are wanting to control the plugin transport. If it’s in your DAW, you should have follow host enabled.
I don’t understand why you are wanting to control the plugin transport. If it’s in your DAW, you should have follow host enabled.
Because when I’m first creating my keyboard/bass/drum lines, I tend to work within the plugin itself and just want to hear that alone. I guess the workaround is to just use the DAW transport control for the plugin (using follow host) and “solo” the particular EZ instrument once the grooves are in the song track.
I don’t understand why you are wanting to control the plugin transport. If it’s in your DAW, you should have follow host enabled.
Because when I’m first creating my keyboard/bass/drum lines, I tend to work within the plugin itself and just want to hear that alone. I guess the workaround is to just use the DAW transport control for the plugin (using follow host) and “solo” the particular EZ instrument once the grooves are in the song track.
If your EZ instrument is in focus, SHIFT + SPACEBAR will play just the instrument if that’s what you want.
SD3, EZD, EZ Keys 1&2, EZ Bass. Win10, i9/9900, all SSDs, 64g RAM, Cakewalk, Studio One
Because when I’m first creating my keyboard/bass/drum lines, I tend to work within the plugin itself and just want to hear that alone. I guess the workaround is to just use the DAW transport control for the plugin (using follow host) and “solo” the particular EZ instrument once the grooves are in the song track.
that’s not a workaround. That is a typical DAW workflow. if your stream deck can send key commands, then you should be able to control your DAW transport as well as navigate both the tracks and DAW timeline to which EZ Drummer would follow. You would also be able to solo tracks, allowing you to listen to whatever instrument you are working on. Essentially your stream deck would act as a mini control surface. if your stream deck sent Mackie, HUI or MMC protocols then it would be in effect a control surface allowing you to do all that and more.
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