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Strange preset mixer settings…?

Product Manager
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  • Henrik

    Nice to hear you got it sorted out. What version of Superior Drummer 3 are you using? I ask because we know about this issue, it can be confusing if you don’t have all the Sound Library parts installed, and we have added some information about this in the Superior Drummer 3 mixer.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Nick Ramsey

    Currently it is “Superior Drummer 3 plug-in version 3.0.3 (build 18723) [64-bit AU]”

    When I originally posted, it would have been whatever update the Product Manager suggested as of around a week ago when I originally installed it and when through the update cycles. But I had only installed the “core sound library” and not the additional mics, bleeds, etc.


    Ok! Since the first release we have added some information in the Bleed and Close Mic level, that says if the audio is installed or not… So if there are bleed controllers that doesn’t contain any audio (happens if the Bleed installation pack isn’t installed), then the header in the Bleed property box in the Mixer will say that. Did you see that in SD3?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Nick Ramsey

    Yes – it did indeed say “No mics routed” in the bleed box for the OH Cond channel.

    But it was still confusing to me at the time, since it wasn’t clear that there really ARE pics routed as part of the preset, but these just weren’t installed. Perhaps some verbiage in the direction of “bleed mics not installed” or “mics not found” or something that gives a clearer directive that something is not configured in a way that is compatible with that preset. Maybe even a warning upon loading the preset that would help make sense of the current messages in the bleed box?

    Again – I’ve resolved all this on my machines, so I’m just spitballing ideas in hopes that it might help someone else in this situation. I have no idea what complications are under the hood, etc., so take these comments for whatever they’re worth…

    By the way – it’s great of you as a company to be so responsive to the issues of your users!


    Ah, ok, I see where the confusion comes from. If you take a look at my screenshot, in the “Bleed from Instruments” box on the right side, the header says “Not Installed/Found”, but the information on the OH Cond channel itself says “No Mics Routed”…Screen-Shot-2017-11-27-at-14.07.26.png

    We may need to make the text on the channel itself a bit clearer… We’ll look at it and see what we can do about it. Thanks for the feedback!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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