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sound card

Studio Corner
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  • Tony

    Well, a sound card won’t improve or degrade the sound quality of the source material for your plugins. At that point in the signal path (post sample production), the only thing that can be improved is the quality of the monitoring of those samples if the discussion doesn’t include adding effects (reverb, etc.) or manipulation of the sample (envelope shaping, EQ, etc.).

    The variables, then, are choice of host sequencer, AD/DA and monitoring system. The particular sound of host sequencers has been debated as angrily as the Mac vs. PC war. My opinion, if it matters, is that they all sound pretty darn good if the source material is pretty darn good.

    “AD/DA” represents the acronym for “Analog – to – Digital and Digital – to – Analog” conversion. At this point, you can spend as much money as you want or are capable of. The Presonus Firestudio is a great choice for the pro-sumer. There are better converters out there, but (like the host sequencer debate) the differences at the very top get quite subtle and require great monitors to detect the finer nuances.

    That’s a nice segue to discuss monitoring. Upgrading monitoring, in my opinion (if it matters), is probably the easiest way to improve your mixes because of the amount of detail that is able to be heard due to improved clarity (a good listening environment is also desirable). Take a CD that you know like the back of your hand to your local music store and ask them to play it through a variety of monitoring speakers. Then, choose the pair in your price range that you think best represent how that record should sound. If they don’t sound good at your house, return them for a pair that do sound good.

    Hope this helps,



    Well that does have some potential for debate. I do agree with you on the monitor issue. I am a long time live musician (about 27 years) and used old school stage monitors and that has effeted my hearing. I get ear fatuge at some point so I have had that debate to whether I should use monitors or headphones for mixing and mastering. I chose the monitors. I have an older pair of monitors (jbl 4206) and a peavey amp. Maybe its time for me to look into some powered monitors or unpowered and compair quality. Thanks for the info, it’s been very helpful.


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