I want to play my Roland TD3KW kit MIDI out to my computer.
Play separate bow and edge hihat sounds from my CY5 hihat controller.
I want to be able to mix and match any kick drum, snare etc from any kit to make a custom kit.
I expect that when I buy these expansion packs that I am basically getting accurately recorded drum instruments that have the advantage of many velocity layers and ’round robin’ sample rotation to create more realism.
I expect to be able to use any kick or snare or tom to manke my own custom kit from any drum in all the sounds I buy.
I expect to get the ezdrummer packs like funkmasters etc and play them in SD2.0.
I expect to be able to tighten up and dampen the drum sounds to get punchy short drum sounds like a heavily dampened funk or 70s reggae kit.
I expect to be able to send each drum or group of drums to a separate sound card output to go to my analogue mixer for hardware lexicon reverb or spring reverb or tape delay etc.
Then I plan on tape saturating the drums while tracking them to audio through my reel to reel then to computer audio.
I hope that buy buying all the expansion packs I have a huge variety of drums to tailor to the funk or reggae drum kit sounds I am aiming for. I am also hoping for timbale drum sounds and dead dry dampened top shell only toms for dub reggae style.
If I can amass a huge library of these extensively sampled drum kits and customise the kits, possibly some subtle tasteful layering if I need extra click on the kick or whatever.
If I can tune and dampen realistically even though using an amplitude envelope decay is not the same as gaffer tape on a snare, I should be able to subtly dampen drums further with tasteful amplitude envelope decay. Plus I can select dampened drums to start off with. I see ‘custom and vintage’ boasts some dampened drums.
If I can eq them and then send them out separate sound card outs.
That sounds like I could try to imitate James Browns funk drum sound. Jamaicas late 70s early 80s rub a dub short punchy kick and snare sound. and apply tape saturation and spring reverb.
Maybe some UAD EMT 140 plate reverb emulation.
This all in conjunction with sometimes or all the time supplementing my edrums with a real hihat. Possibly a zildjian A custom 13 inch hihat for a light thin sizzly reggae hihat sound.
I might get another acoustic hihat flavour later like 14 inch hihat zildjian from the 70s or whatever.