Some questions regarding Ezdrummer and Superior Drummer

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Martin


    there is 64 bit updates for both EZdrummer and Superior 2.0. None are made official yet, but we have got good results with them so that shouldn’t be an issue.

    Well, the same drum can of course be hit twice in a row. What you probably refer to is that the same sample is never playbacked twice in a row. That makes sense and is a good thing, since this never happens with a real human drummer. This feature is implemented to give a more realistic performance when playing through Superior 2.0.

    How you add hits in the MIDI track is a bit dependent on which host you’re using. I don’t have Cubase on the computer which I´m at right now, but I think there’s a pencil tool with which you can add hits and also change velocity with. You need to check your manual for exact guidance. If you have a MIDI controller, such as a keyboard, pad or E-kit you can record hits and beats with this as well. Your host should definitely be able to zoom in on the MIDI track, both vertical and horizontal. Again, please see the manual for your host application. I think G and H are the keyboard shortcuts for zooming in Cubase.

    You can make your own grooves and when exported, you can drag them into the grooves browser in Superior (have never tried this on EZdrummer, actually) and it will show under ‘My MIDI files’.



    Is it any way of downloading this?
    I mean of course legally… to purchase a downloadable version.
    From I only find the option “Continue to dealer”.



    sorry for the delay in response. If you are a Scandinavian customer, please click the Continue To Dealer button at the top of the page. handles all sales in Scandinavia.

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