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Solo is hogging all ASIO channels?

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  • DeBased

    Glad to see I’m not alone.  It’s not been fixed yet, I’d love to see an early public beta (unsupported is fine).


    I can’t believe this isn’t a huge problem for a lot of people. Maybe it is. Do you know if ezplayer does something similar (can play ezdrummer and not completely hog asio)? It’s like giving a kid a new toy and taking it away. Wish I didn’t know about Solo!


    ORIGINAL: pforsell

    I can’t believe this isn’t a huge problem for a lot of people. Maybe it is. Do you know if ezplayer does something similar (can play ezdrummer and not completely hog asio)? It’s like giving a kid a new toy and taking it away. Wish I didn’t know about Solo!

    Not sure, haven’t tried EZplayer.

    What soundcard do you have?  It seems to be a problem only for soundcards without multi-client ASIO support, like my EMU.  I don’t know how many interaces have drivers like that (probably quite a few!).

    Like I say, hopefully we can get an early beta to play with.

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