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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*



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  • William Kitchens


    Arne Hollenbach

    0.7 (when it’s “fast”)Laugh

    Greg Pullen

    1.5Mbps – you’re lucky! Have been trying to download Superior Drummer 3 files for four days now, and BEST speed I’ve had is around 700Kbps. Currently have around 27Kbps, with speed tests showing a general connection speed from my ISP of 44Mbps! FFS, Toontrack – please fix this! I know Australia is a long way away, but this continued ludicrous slow speed is crazy. And be fore you ask, I have tried stopping the download, closing Product Manager, restarting the download, and it is no better (and sometimes worse!).Frown

    Mike Westhead

    Once downloaded the install is also extremely slow. I know there’s a lot of great stuff in there but it’s taking 2.5+ hours to install per module after taking a day and a half to download :[

    Patrick Pearce

    What do you people expect? its 230 GIGABYTES!Kiss

    Greg Pullen

    @LightWing said:
    What do you people expect? its 230 GIGABYTES!Kiss  

    With respect, what has the size of the download got to do with its speed? Why is it unreasonable to expect a down load speed greater than my current speed of 37.9kBps just because the size of the current package is 52.3GB? I take your point in that a total 230GB download will take longer than a 23GB download (this is somewhat self-evident!), but the actual point of my initial post and most of the others was the incredibly slow speed of the download, irrespective of size. Speeds under 100 kBps for five days continuously, given the speeds of modern internet connections, are ludicrously slow and insufficient. I have downloaded multi-gigabyte programs from other vendors in the past, and the download speeds were in the MBps range, not down to single figure kBPS. The current SD part 3 download (52.3GB) has been running now for three days, and is still showing around 121 hours download time remaining. This is unacceptable.

    Jack 007
    françois Vincent

    Same here! Any news from the toontrack s team?


    Nothing? No replies? Maybe hoping we give up and buy the SSD? Come on guys.



    please contact Toontrack Support directly by going to:
    and click ‘Contact Support’ so that they may investigate each one’s case as efficiently as possible.

    The download servers are spread out over the world, so you *should* automatically be connected to the one nearest to your location.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @John said:

    please contact Toontrack Support directly by going to:
    and click ‘Contact Support’ so that they may investigate each one’s case as efficiently as possible.

    The download servers are spread out over the world, so you *should* automatically be connected to the one nearest to your location.


    I’ve done this John, I just received the following :


    Our CDN support team were unable to locate your IP in the most recent logs (which can be found by going to for example). It would help to also have your current download speed.

    They were given the most recent available and the results of the Terminal run. Now I must wait another 12-15 hour’s for a response because you don’t have support outside the Northern Hemisphere. I anticipate the same response. And the same total lack of accountability or shame.


    The simple solution…provide BOXED versions again!
    You guys aren’t selling 20MB plugins here that can be downloaded in 2 minutes time.

    At least then we can order the boxed version, and go about our business for a few days until it’s delivered instead of spending countless hours trying to download MASSIVE amounts of data over the internet. Those that want to download can still do so.
    With a boxed version, if your system goes down, you already have all the discs for reinstall…otherwise if you lose your downloaded files…you have to go through this process all over again.


    Miroslav it’s over mate. They’re not responding here or at Support. They’ve done the math and reasoned that the disaffected, (the people they’re effectively ripping off) are comparatively small enough in number, more likely voice, that they can afford to ignore them. I’d like to think otherwise but there has always been an arrogance here and I don’t see any change. Their model has been for a long time to virtually force you to buy overlapping products in order to get basic features or use your older samples in newer iterations. It’s wretched but not surprising that they wouldn’t offer a boxed version but a $250au ssd on top of the software purchase which includes 6 kits which at best could be described as generic, however pristine the recordings are. Massive kudos to the developers for the base plugin, it’s masterful, and so it should be for how long it took, and grudging congrats to the marketing department who gleefully worked out how to get people to pay overs for something then use up days of work time and full months of data allowance for the privilege of using it. Then they fucked up by not prepping the servers. It’s 2017, Trump’s in, we should’ve had flying cars by now. My freshly updated AD is fucking rocking right now. SD will be a glorified drum hit replacer.


    Time to use Toontrack cracked versions then.They work flawless!Going legit they only fuck you every which way.

    Issac Nelson

    I logged in thinking that I was the only one with this problem. I have Gigabit Fiber Optic, yet I too am seeing kbs service in PM. It’s really frustrating!!

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