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Simmons SD600 Trigger Issue EZDrummer

E-drum Workshop
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  • Chris Foley

    I have the same issue. Did you get it fixed?


    I used a shorter cable and that seemed to do the trick. Also trying to track on a almost 9 year old MacBook Pro wasn’t helping.


    I know this is late but hopefully you’ve solved the problem already and this could help any future SD600 users having the same issue.

    I was having the same problem, where the hihat was triggering the ride (or snare depending on the vst you were using). For ezdrummer it triggered, at times, the ride and for Abbey Road it triggered the snare.

    Anyway, it was triggered when the hihat was struck during the halfway point from open and close.  There was no midi note assigned to this so you could assign it off of that trigger.  The fix… update the firmware. Simmons updated the firmware to assign a midi note to the hihat in this halfway strike.  Just go to the Simmons site and follow the instructions to update it.  I just did and it solved it. Note that if you’ve made your own custom kit, a firmware update erases it. Best to write them down so you can easily make it again. When assigning the midi notes to the hihat, just keep hitting it while open as you slowly close it  you’ll now see the HiHat_H to assign it (I just assigned it to the same note as the open (HiHat_O) and problem solved.

    I hope this helps anyone who became stumped and frustrated.

    happy drumming!

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