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Shorten or increase cymbal sustain SD3 ?

Studio Corner
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  • John


    are you talking about the Envelope?
    Just select the Cymbal in question on the Drums tab and open the Envelope and Offset Property Box.
    Then adjust the Decay/Sustain/Release as you see fit.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks for the reply !

    Well I tried this out and had very little success if any at all ? I am trying to take a dry ride cymbal and add lots of sustain to it but its so small of a change I don’t even notice it, Is there anything else I could be missing ?

    Thanks !


    If you have a ride and listen to it, with the Envelope turned off, what you hear is the maximum amount of sustain = the original sound. The envelope can’t add sustain/release – only lessen it. If you want to increase the “length” of an instrument, you need to add reverb, delay or any other effect that adds room to the sound. You can also adjust how much the ride sounds through the room mics in the mixer. More level in the room mics = increased “length” of the instruments.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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