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Set Path To Presets

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    the path to your Avatar library would by Default be:
    ‘[Mac HD]/Library/Application Support/Superior Drummer 2.0/SL-Avatar’
    Double-check that it is the correct Library you are trying to set the path to, so you don’t set S-1 Legacy library paths.

    Did you install all options from the DVD:s?
    Have downloaded and installed plugin and library updates?

    Merry Christmas,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I just got the passcode from guitar center and downloaded it and I am having the same problem. I’m running it on my iMac and all I have been reading is about this problem. I’m quickly beginning to regret my purchase, any help?


    I installed Sup 2.3 ok , used it and it was fine, good install, library paths under settings were ok too: library/app support/sup drummer 2.0/ sl avatar … so far so good.
    2 weeks later i bought cust & vin sdx 3 discs [SXCV-6WHW-R3F6-ZCFP-]… install seemed ok and registered fine… grooves/sounds accounted for under settings: library/app support/sup drummer 2.0/ sl cvmk ll.
    however in the groove view under libraries none of these accounted for grooves showed up. I added and reset the library path and an alert showed stating ‘i already have that library.’
    so basically the C&V grooves i bought won’ t show though the kit will play whatever other grooves exp i had before.
    More disturbing is that although the default NY avatar grooves show up… the ny kit ‘won’t’ sound their own or any other grooves, just a flashing ‘not loaded’ showing in the bottom right.

    in settings when I hit set and try to open the path to sl – avatar an alert comes up…‘you need to set the path to where you intalled the sound before you can use them.’ which i think I’ve done , repeatedly.

    wasting a lot of time and perhaps money, even the experts at the music shop are scratching their heads,

    help, jim


    There has to be some simpler instructions.  The installer should place the dam program to a location when you open the app from your daw it automatically goes to it as default.  This is bullshit.  I’m giving up tonight and will listen to music instead of working on my own stuff.  Sucks.  Fed up.

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