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Selecting Presets via midi PC

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Juicy

    Well you are comparing an entry level with another Entry level product
    If you want versatility out of either you will need to “add” Xpansions to beef them up.
    If you add Nashville EZx to the standard and excellent Pop/Rock you will be mostly there minus swirls.
    Ezy does not do any preset selection via midi


    I knew I needed to add the expansion…I think there is also a Jazz type EZx as well – but the biggie is being able to change preset via midi..that IS a deal breaker. Means it is not very practical in any “live” sense, unless you want to use one kit all night…I run these things remotely from another source and when playing live I really do not want to be fiddling with loading kits for different songs…

    Thanks for the reply, you just saved me another $100+



    If you are on a computer with a DAW you could have two or more kits on different tracks ready to select,They are not to ram hungry.
    I think that would be a good way to achieve same results.


    hmmm…yes I think I can see where you are heading with this…I don’t actually use all the available midi channels, so I could assign say, channel 16 to one, and then channel 15 to another etc, and then just have the drum part on the corresponding channel in the backing track…

    It is not running a DAW (that is on the PC at home which is where i do all the work) but the backing tracks are running from a sequencer type app – and a VSTi “Rack” – cool, that might just work!!

    Okay now for the “how long is a piece of string” question……..can you compare the quality of EZ Drummer to the BFD Eco? – both are the entry level of the respective companies….so it’s probably a fair comparison. And both need upgrades for the kits and “sticks” I would like.


    Both have there good points.
    I ended up going all out on both so i have the full versions with most the xpansions and like them both.
    EZ beats ECO as the package, seems more refined and overall consistent with levels out of the box.

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