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SDX vs EZX sound libraries, overlap of samples?

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  • Johannes Hauer

    Usually it says something in the description like “these are the raw recordings from which the sounds of … are derived”, but I guess you’d have to read the texts


    I own both EZ drummer and Superior Drummer and I use them both a lot. I am a guitar player not a drummer but I try, I have an e-kit (DTX 522 now max expanded to a DTX 582 with 5 toms and 5 symbols). Currently I own 19 EZXs that I picked up here and there over the years and 4 SDX. I find the EZX and the SDX serve a completely different purpose and the overlap is actually good. I still use the EZX versions a lot because although I am an Engineer, I am not an audio engineer and I am still working on my mixing skills (I have no idea what I am doing honestly, just bought EZmix 2 and love it). I really love the song creator in EZ Drummer, which you have to use EZX version. I can just pick a pattern (usually a Chorus) and I have an idea to work with and flush out. A lot of my ideas are throw away, after a couple hours if nothing materializes, I start over so I spent a lot of time in EZ drummer when I am composing. My main reason for going to superior was kit size (EZ Drummer couldn’t handle my kit and I really needed the midi learn function). I really wish EZ drummer had it, I would have bought SD 2 anyway (I would have defiantly bought on black Friday because the deal was so AWSOME) Most of the time I just want to jam on my kit with good sounding drums and EZ Drummer did that perfectly until my kit got too big. Which brings me to my original point over time you will probably end up like me, picking up almost every thing Toontrack makes, it is all great, the more I buy the more comfortable I am getting more (I have never been disappointed or regretted any of my purchases). If I had to do it all over again I would probably buy the same stuff in the same order.

    When I first started getting into e drums I read post like this all over the place and just went no way am I doing that. I got EZ drummer 2 and tormented myself for days about which kit to buy because that was the last kit I was ever going to get and it had to be the have all to end all. Well there is no have all kit and each of their products have a purpose and if you need it get it when you can (no hurry, life is not a sprint it’s a marathon). I know this is not going to stop you from tormenting yourself (It didn’t for me when I was told the same thing) but you really can’t go wrong.

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