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SDX Death Hit Hat Not very well Calibrated

E-drum Workshop
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  • mariannekhos3

    This Library and the way it was recorded sounds pretty good.. to be honest.. much much better than … SD3 Core library.. the openness of the Hi Hats are very well Done.. calibrated and recorded.. just a few small details with the volumen.. in certain velocities.. but man.. this is it. for me .. the best Hi Hat Toontrack has made.. form tigh.. to close.. to open open 1.. and so on.. all is very well done.. I wish the Core Library was done as this SDx Library… the force of the Hits.. on the snare etc.. just Perfect…. amazing.. Work. 100 out of 100.


    I hope you Toontrack Theme.. really Check.. how this Library Hi-Hat was..configured.. for the next Librarys to Use the same Kind of Aproach.. for ..Tigh.. Close.. Open 0 . just perfect. this is how the majority of Rock Drummers will calibrate a Hi.hat in real live. again… guys Pretty dam Good Job on this one.


    Thanked by: Henrik

    I can’t get enough of this library.. sounds.. perfect. best ever library for me.

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