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SD3 with TD30 so far.

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Pascal Procman

    Hi Mark  (are you the Level 42 singer/bassist ?  🙂    )

    I own a TD30 (with VH13 HiHat) and Superior Drummer 3  (with a lot of Extensions).  I just would like to find a DEFAULT setup  (with positioning sensing on the Roland PDX125 snare) to have just a snare like a snare  (with rimshot independant of the skin for example). Is it possible to find this ?  A default setiing for TD30 and default setting for SD3 to make it easy ?  (I spent a lot of time to try to resolve my problems and I thnik about sale all my drums)

    Thank you for somebody can send to me a DEFAULT Kit  (with playable setub) for my TD30 to be compatible with my SD3

    Superior Drummer 2.4 - EZ Drummer - All SDX - Roland TD30 - Mainstage - Cubase

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