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SD3 with Roland TD-25KV

Product Manager
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  • olliepudge

    Hi Thomas,

    I have the TD-25KV as well and I ran SD3 on a HP Intel Core i3 500GB w/8GB RAM with no problems. I’ve upgraded since to a HP Intel i7 1000GB w/16GB RAM and I will say the kits load faster, but the performance overall seems the same. Just remember that SD3 will take up almost have of the space on the computer you have if you do the full install. Hope that helps.



    Thank you Josh for your Feedback.
    I know the Amount of Space is huge, but i will use the Laptop only for SD3.
    Can you tell me what is your latency when you play with your Computer?


    No problem Thomas. As you probably know, latency issues can be complicated and settings depend on what I interface you are using. That being said, I can tell you that I use a Focusrite 2i2 1st Generation USB interface and my buffer setting is at 5.0 (or close to that) with no latency issues at all.

    Greetings from the United States friend!

    And no, I did not vote for Donald Trump. Just sayin’ ?


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