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SD3: Why does a click trigger a snare stack but only triggers the top kick in a kick stack?

Studio Corner
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  • Michael Allyn

    It seems to only happen when the stack is assigned to the “hit” articulation. I guess clicking the kick only triggers the “open” articulation?

    Michael Allyn

    Hmm, but the midi groove I’m using only has “open” articulations and yet triggers the “hit” stacks when played. More investigation. Confused.


    @Michael Allyn said:
    It seems to only happen when the stack is assigned to the “hit” articulation. I guess clicking the kick only triggers the “open” articulation?  

    Clicking on the instrument will play the topmost articulation, seen in the articulations drop down list, top right of drum kit.

    @Michael Allyn said:
    Hmm, but the midi groove I’m using only has “open” articulations and yet triggers the “hit” stacks when played. More investigation. Confused.

    If you drag the MIDI to the song track, double click it, and select Grid Editor, you can see exactly what notes that are playing. Expand the “Kick” on the left side, to see each articulation as its own row.

    Also – if the Open articulation is disabled (power button turned off in the articulations list), playing Open articulation MIDI note will play the Hit articulation. This is called substitution, and is implemented so that kits with different amount of instruments, and articulations per instrument, still should be able to play any MIDI files from our library.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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