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SD3 Request-Global Aftertouch On/Off (Cymbal Choke)

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  • Henrik

    This sounds like a useful feature. I haven’t experienced the problem myself, even though my MIDI keyboard uses aftertouch. I’ll take a note of it.
    To make it a bit easier, you can shift + click to select all cymbals (in the selected instruments list above the kit), and then disable Aftertouch. By doing this, you don’t have to do it once for each instrument…

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    @David Bade said:
    It would be MUCH more useful for folks playing/programming with a keyboard to have an second option to globally turn on/off all Aftertouch on cymbals for the Mute Tail Trigger.

    If you are using Windows you can use MIDI-OX ( to filter aftertouch events.

    Regards Reiner


    @rrosin said:

    @David Bade said:
    It would be MUCH more useful for folks playing/programming with a keyboard to have an second option to globally turn on/off all Aftertouch on cymbals for the Mute Tail Trigger.

    If you are using Windows you can use MIDI-OX ( to filter aftertouch events.

    Regards Reiner  

    Great tip!
    I forgot to mention, that most DAWs (Cubase, Logic etc) has filters, that enables you to globally disable Aftertouch messages…

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    I would like to echo this request. My primary DAW is Ableton, which does not offer native MIDI filtering.

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