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SD3 & Pro Tools Apple Silicon (not Rosetta)

Studio Corner
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  • john dudley

    Ditto, come on fellas…silence??  Really?

    Glenn Clausen

    This must be the most lacy answer from a moderator ever. Seriously. Why not just type in the answer here for all to read. It was not asked in the SD3 forum and there is no way for us that own EZBass or EZDrummer 3 to read the bloody answer in the SD forum because you have to have a license for SD3 to even read that.

    No one is expecting you to have the release ready before Avid release the final version, but a lot of developers have released an update to their software or at the very least communicated to their users about their plan. Don’t you think your users deserves some answers or an ETA. A beta version perhaps?

    To be fair, Avid took their time with the Apple Silicon support and the SDK has not been out that long. But still. At the very least give us paying customers some answers.




    Hi guys,

    we are working on support for AAX Apple silicon versions of our plugins and we expect to release them within a month or two.


    Not meant to be lazy but to have a time reference from that post. It was posted January 4th.
    I should have thought about the restricted access, sorry about that.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    John – thank you for your reply.  SD3 is a huge part of my creative workflow (I own Keys and Bass too).  In fact, buying it was one of the best musical purchases I’ve made (other than my Ultra Tele that is).  Having it run natively in AAX is very exciting and I’m glad the team is working on it.  Thank you for the update.  Please keep the periodic updates coming.

    SD3 is the last thing that’s preventing me from running native on my MacStudio and it makes a huge difference.   As an aside, I bounced SD3 and EZBass to stereo and made the plugins inactive and launched PT in native mode and I couldn’t believe it: super fast, small 64bit buffer, tons of MIDI, no lag.  The big improvement to my workflows is why I’m nudging.  Thank you again.



    The SD3 update with native Apple silicon support has been released now, as well as EZD3, EZbass and EZmix 2 earlier. Only EZkeys left.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Thanked by: Scott Eshleman

    And now EZkeys 1.3.4 is released with Apple silicon native AAX.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    All told, pretty quick turn around. Thank you and thanks for putting out apps like SD3.  It is my go-to and essential for my workflow.


    What about EZDrummer2?  Do I have to upgrade to EZDrummer3 in order to run Natively in Pro Tools (AAX) on an M1…?


    What about EZDrummer2?  Do I have to upgrade to EZDrummer3 in order to run Natively in Pro Tools (AAX) on an M1…?

    Yes, EZdrummer 3 is Silicon Native AAX. EZdrummer 2 was discontinued long ago and will not be updated to Silicon Native AAX.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Johnny Ceravolo

    It is unbelievably frustrating to me that SD2 was discontinued. It had the kit I use 100% of the time to work. My old Mac Mini just died, so I got a Macbook Pro 14 M1. Every other plugin and sim I use transferred fine. However, SD2 is now dead in the water. The only way I can get those sounds back is to buy SD3 for $400, and the expansion pack for another $200. This is you guys telling me a tool I have been using for years is still available if I want to spend $600 to get sounds I already purchased AND lose 230GB of space on my hard drive for sounds I will never use.

    Artists use tools they find in perpetuity. You guys have made my life really difficult. I have multiple projects that are now dead in the water because of this. I am beyond frustrated.


    It is unbelievably frustrating to me that SD2 was discontinued. It had the kit I use 100% of the time to work. My old Mac Mini just died, so I got a Macbook Pro 14 M1. Every other plugin and sim I use transferred fine. However, SD2 is now dead in the water. The only way I can get those sounds back is to buy SD3 for $400, and the expansion pack for another $200. This is you guys telling me a tool I have been using for years is still available if I want to spend $600 to get sounds I already purchased AND lose 230GB of space on my hard drive for sounds I will never use.

    Artists use tools they find in perpetuity. You guys have made my life really difficult. I have multiple projects that are now dead in the water because of this. I am beyond frustrated.

    Superior Drummer 2 has been discontinued for some time now and is no longer being updated. SD2 does not have Apple Silicon M1/M2 native compatibility so depending on your DAW, you must run your DAW in Rosetta mode in order to use SD2.

    We can see that you have EZdrummer 2 registered to your account, which makes you eligible for the discounted Crossgrade version of Superior Drummer 3.

    Your old sound libraries will also work with SD3.


    Rickard - Toontrack Music
    Make music - it´s EZ!

    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 1 year, 6 months ago by rixa.


    Thanked by: Scott Eshleman
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